Hmmmm lol
Well wi sat was 2lbs up from Fridays sneaky peak my fault naughty foods! So ended up with a 2.5lb loss which I'm happy with its a loss!
Today I'm up 2lbs from that wi. I had a complete binge yesterday!
We had a lovely day chilling and just being a couple and unfortunately that involve dinner out and naughty bits so I know that fluctuation is also my fault!
So I've had strong words with myself! And I have a fab day planned!!
Pav my pt Measured and weighed me today. And I asked him not to tell me the figures just the differences. I wi post breakfast and lots of water before workout with all my clothes and trainers on! Plus it's different scales! So he agree that was fine hell tell me the differences and ill never know if I wi at a million or 8 stone on his scales hahaha!
But I'm feeling ok. The binge is outta my system. And I'm ready to strap back in the wagon fully! I'm aiming for 5lbs this week so it'll take some hard work!
I'm on nights thur fri sat and I'm aiming to at least once after a night go swimming in the morning before bed! Now I'm saying a 20min swim which is about 20 lengths maybe a few more is ample not a huge session but just enough to keep me going!!
But if I can manage each day great but if only once that's also fine ... Tiny tiny steps at a time
