MizKirsty - Becoming my inner skinny!

What a great doc you have :) having a STS is so much better than a gain :)
She is I refuse to see anyone else don't know how I'll cope when Shes off lol!

But I really do need to sort myself out!!! And get back on it!! Xx
On a night shift tonight so I'm planning food out loud!! For the next 24hrs!

Apricot wheats and ss milk hea/b

Wholemeal toast heb marmite free
Cheesestring 2.5syns
Sf jelly
Banana (or a but later on)

Grilled chicken breast 10syns
Potato pie (sw) 2syns

Nightshift after midnight -

Leftover potato pie 2syns

Sf jelly
Ff Greek yoghurt
Cheesesting 2.5syns

Apricot wheats and ss milk hea/b

I know it's just a repeat of today but at least if I got in knowing what I'm gonna eat I should be ok!!! Lol xxx
I've completely lost the plot I know I've gained I can see it! I've eaten nothing but crap icecream pizza pringles etc etc!

And I'm fatter now that I was a week a go :(

I don't know how to get back on track! :( help!!!!!!! Xx
Start again today as a fresh day! Read your books.. Set yourself food goal choices? You can do it!

I know it's hard! I am struggling too... But every day is a fresh start! We can do it!
Xmas is hard on everyone for food choices! Just have to do your best for you! Don't give up!! Every positive food choice will make you feel great! In the moment you might be craving that food, just remember this journey is for you!!

I am hoping that I don't gain over Xmas! And that physico say ok to exercising today :)
Ah honey every day is a new day. You can do this. You are one of the people who inspires me, when I see your weight loss - nearly 4 stone - I know that this can be done. Before you put it in your mouth think that if you don't you will lose this damn weight. Come on babe you can do this, we all can, together!!!!
I know but I start off like that really positive and focused have a great day then somehow screw it up - usually bc of work!

But I'll be joining a community team in jan so working 9-5 m-f so hopefully that will make it easier for me!!

I know tomerow I'm gonna sit down and sort myself out plan organise and make some posters lol xxx
You know what I think I need a weight loss buddy - someone I can text in a donut crisis moment lol!

It worked well for me last time with kes! Xx
You can text me if you like. We're at the same stage I think. Lost a lot - getting stuck and needing a boot up the backside :) I'll pm you my number

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Thanks guys your all so supportive!!

Kat I agree jut completely stuck!! Why does this happen!! I mean we know we can do it! We've proved we can do it! So why can't I just get back into it and do it lol!!

It's so frustrating!!

Ah lex do you find it helps you too?! Xx
I have to exercise today think I'm gonna go swimming I don't have much energy or motivation so a nice gentle swim
Might be nice :) xx
I went swam 30 lengths and got out the creepy Pervy guy got in ew !!! Lol

Feel good but hungry now :( choices choices lol xxx
What creepy Pervy guy?

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There's a guy that just starred at all the women and talks to you! Hrs old enough to be my grandad and he stalks you in the changing rooms can't bare him lol xxx
Urrgggh :(

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Ok warning too much info about to be shared!!

Ok I have finally been to the toilet properly (hadn't been for a week!) feel like I must have lost a stone seriously!

I hadn't realised quite how badly I hadn't been!!

Here's hoping for a better week!! Xx