mommyB's SW journey

Hiya Jane - Just as I find you, you vanish ... what sort of an excuse is a broken laptop anyway ???? LOL

Glad that you are enjoying SW, it's great isn't it ? I went back last night after my dabble again with CD and I've lost 4lbs so well pleased with that...

Hope to hear from you when your lappie is feeling a bit better

Take care and enjoy the plan

hellooo!!! i'm back, missed you all loads and will be back posting properly tomorrow-courtesy of new lappie!!
good morning.
Food plan for today.EE
Milk for drinks hxa

B-2 toast (hxb) beans , 2 fried eggs (1 syn)-need to check syns for the spread.
L - pasta with makerel in tomato sauce, 2 babybell lites (4syns)
D-steak, sw chips, salad, mushrooms

Am feeling right back on it so wish me luck
Sorry sanchi, cross posted there. Its not been going well, but have only gained 2.5, which already seems to be shifting.
we had a hiccup in our finances and had to live for a week or so on what was in the house, which wast all diet friendly. i guess if i'm honest i used this as a bit of an excuse but am back on it properly now.
How you doing ? need to try catch up with everyone over the next few days
Things aren't going too bad, I had a sts last week which I was a little disapointed with. I don't think EE works that well for me as I am not good with portion control and making sure I am eating 1/3 superfree!

I am going to start exercising again next week as I have really not been steping up to the mark in that respect either! My OH is now dieting like mad and is wanting to get a 6 pack so I will really have to behave myself and get motivated if I am to keep up with him weight loss wise (unfortuately Jon doesn't get chocolate and ice cream cravings so he losses weight much more easily) As well as that he will eat less than me to help increase his loss whereas I can never do that as I would become obsessed with food! Men just get it so much easier than us!
ha ha tell me about it. my hubby is 6 foot and weighs around 10 stone, built like a racing snake and can eat what he likes-it SO unfair!! i do have to say tho , he is really supportive even tho he's never had a weight problem so i'm not sure he always really understands, but yes he is very supportive.
Bless hun, the funny thing is that when I started SW I talked about my weight loss all the time and my OH banned me from talking about it! He has just rung me 5 mins ago to ask how much sugar was in his FF yogart!! The thing is all he eats is a yogart for breakfast, 1 beef / ham sandwich for lunch with a lucozade (his downfall thank god) and then his tea which is sw friendly and then maybe a few beers of an evening! (he is now cutting out the beers for coffee) And as you know from my diary I eat a tad more than that!!!!
I wish he did make his own sandwiches! I do butter them!! I sounds terrible but I don't want him to do better than me - that is so selfish and not like me normally but SW was my thing not his! And he blams me for him putting on weight (I provide too much food aparently!!) x
yes H i'm back-thanks for the pm!! After seeing a few people go back to ww from sw,its good to have a familiar face, as well as all the new friends i'm making.

Sanchi, who is more competetive about this, you or him? LOL could you try and see it as supporting each other rather than whose 'thing' it is? Personally i'd love my hubby toi be on the same diet, would make my life so much easier, but then i fear i'dloose him down the plug hole!!
Jane I have the same thing DH would surely disappear if he ate the SW way
what I do is cook similar for him but add things like cheese and olive oil etc

I tried to pm you from work
that was a laugh someone (not me) threw his coffee at the keyboard and now some of the keys dont work
I wanted to tell you I was waving manically and jumping up and down with joy to see you back but with half the letters gone I had to give you clues as to the part words :):)

right I hope your pm box is now empty as I need to talk to you

Love H xxxxx
welcome back! good to see you again, have a great week.

My hubby eats and drinks whatever he likes too and stays trim!
it is good to be back on line, but i have to say its not going so well!! did really well yesterday til 5ish then had a right old eating fest !! a proper binge like i havent had for ages. I feel tired and a bit down today and am really tryind hard not to say sod it, and just stuff my face again. i have days like this and i know it will pass, but knowing that doesnt always help at the time. Just feel in a bit of a rut, but determined not to give into it.

Sorry to moan, going to go look at some food diaries for inspiration