Can I join I've just complete my first week and am 11lb down sooo pleased just hope am as pleased next week.
Wow! You're off to a flying start, brilliant stuff :happy096:
Can I join I've just complete my first week and am 11lb down sooo pleased just hope am as pleased next week.
Volstern said:Managed to drop six pounds this week, so I'm well pleased with myself
Hi just wondering are you exercising your losses are great am just on my second week had a similar loss to your first week would be great if I got losses like yours
Volstern said:Another five pounds off this week. That's four stone since April I wonder how much we've all lost collectively? It probably weighs as much as several people
That is fantastic am sure your sooo pleased
had my first weigh in yesterday 7.5lb off is that good? struggled yesterday but ok today but have missed a shake!