Just been for my 2nd weigh in, should have been Monday but they were closed due to the bank holiday. Anyway, I lost another 4lbs & start re-feeding today as I'm going on holiday next Tuesday. Intend to start again on my return.
Went for weigh-in this morning due to the bank holiday, now down to 76.2kg, converted to stone and pounds it's 11 stone 13.99 pounds so technically under 12 stone now haha, but for the 0.01lbs will say I'm 12 stone Have lost 4.4lbs this week, I'm so happy Well done everyone on your losses!!!! xxxx
Got weighed this morning after doing 1st week of refeed. Have gained 1lb after it looked like I'd lost a bit mid week, but the glycogen/water replacement should be well in place now, so pleased overall. One more week of refeed using the shakes etc then onto healthy choices to lose a few more lbs - ps. don't tell my other half
woohoo..lost another 3lb this week, now officially under 12st at 11st 11lbs going away to South America a week friday for just over a week so have started refeeding today to get myself ready! I've been busy doing the squat & sit up challenge and have done 50 lengths of the pool today too to make sure those pounds don't come creeping back on! Best of luck for the week everyone and well done on all your losses!! xxx