Monday Weigh in Club!!

3 lbs off, 2 1/2 to goal. refeed today! yay

h x
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Well done everyone on the fantastic losses this week :happy096: x
Well done ladies!
hi teapot, love the name btw :) take it your a tea drinker? lol

h x

Hi Harriet

Yes, a big tea drinker and I do miss 'proper tea' while doing LT, so resort to fruit teas. I know it's not 'allowed' but have to get thru the day somehow and that does it for me.
Good luck with your refeed and the last 2lbs :)
-6lbs this week taking me to 72.5lbs lost :) yay!!

h x
Yo peeps! (If anyone is still here).
I lost an awesome 6lbs this week and I'm 1lb away from my Xmas target. Btw.. I'm on my last week before refeed!!!! Eeek!!!

Amazing! I'm certain you'll be at your target by the time you refeed. Congratulations
Any Monday WI's out there? ;) x
I cannot wait to WI tomo! X
I am 9 hours away from my first weigh in and I am sorry to say I am actually afraid...
Week 1 WI 12 lbs off :) x
That's amazing!!!! Well done you must be over the moon x
First weigh in - 9lb gone!
I've lost 10lbs!!! I am so happy!
Hey well done allanah ... looks like you're on a similar journey to me, except I don't think I can loose quite as much as you. You had a great week!!!
woah! 16lbs gone! hope I can keep the weight losses up as I've decided to move to exante! good kick start up the bum!

well done on your losses this week monday weighers!
woah! 16lbs gone! hope I can keep the weight losses up as I've decided to move to exante! good kick start up the bum!

well done on your losses this week monday weighers!

Amazing! Well done x