Monthly Challange

Weigh in today.
Lost 7.75lbs this week:D:D:D
In 3 days??!! Wow!

I have lost a further 2lbs bringing my loss this month to 7.5lbs
I think the reason for the great results is that I had overdosed on carbs the week before and then the last 3 days have only had Solo Slim stuff and fruit N vegetable so was just my system clearing out the junk (sorry, too much info)
Well we have to get rid of it somehow ;) good result all the same!
Rebecca1608 +2lb +2lb -0lb -0lb -0lb - 8lb Target
shep -0lb -0lb -0lb -0lb -0lb - 7lb Target
Alexa13 -0lb -0lb -0lb -0lb -0lb - 6lb Target
Kellyp1984 -0lb -0lb -0lb -0lb -0lb - 7lb Target

JenMcG -5.5lb -2lb -0lb -0lb -0lb - 10lb Target
KittyB -0lb -0lb -0lb -0lb -0lb - 6lb Target
Slim1day -7.75lb -0lb -0lb -0lb -0lb - 10lb Target

MrsWilsoncroft +0.5lb +2lb -0.5lb -0lb -0lb

I think thats all updated now. It might be eaiser if we all update it, just copy and paste the past with your information in it. That way its a running total.

Hope everyone is doing well and not fallen again like me!!! I'm back again so we will see.!!!
Thanks :)
3lbs for me this week :) I've hit my target!!
Well done.
Daren't even weigh myself this week. Been packing and sorting stuff for youngest 2 going to uni, took one yesterday and one today, grandma been seriously ill, so been hosp visiting (died this morning) and to top it all had major fall out with eldest, she turned rather nasty and said some unpleasant, nasty remarks / comments. So basically lously week and not been dieting at all.
Am determined to get back on track tomorrow though.
+2lb +2lb -0lb -0lb -0lb - 8lb Target

shep -0lb -0lb -0lb -0lb -0lb - 7lb Target
Alexa13 -0lb -0lb -0lb -0lb -0lb - 6lb Target
Kellyp1984 -0lb -0lb -0lb -0lb -0lb - 7lb Target

JenMcG -5.5lb -2lb -0lb -0lb -0lb - 10lb Target
KittyB -0lb -0lb -0lb -0lb -0lb - 6lb Target
Slim1day -7.75lb -0lb -4.25lb-0lb -0lb - 10lb Target Hit Yeah

MrsWilsoncroft +0.5lb +2lb -0.5lb -0lb -0lb
I further 2.5lbs off for me. Very pleased to have lost 13lbs in my 4 weeks!!
Rebecca1608 Complete PANTS
shep -0lb -0lb -0lb -0lb -0lb - 7lb Target
Alexa13 -0lb -0lb -0lb -0lb -0lb - 6lb Target
Kellyp1984 -0lb -0lb -0lb -0lb -0lb - 7lb Target

JenMcG -5.5lb -2lb -3lb -2.5lb -0lb - 10lb Target
KittyB -0lb -0lb -0lb -0lb -0lb - 6lb Target
Slim1day -7.75lb -0lb -4.25lb-0lb -0lb - 10lb Target Hit Yeah

MrsWilsoncroft +0.5lb +2lb -0.5lb -0.5lb -0lb

Well done slim1day thats a fab weight loss.

As you will see from the update I have lost the plot with the weight losses! went back to class on thursday so startes again friday. I am now aiming for a stone in a month! so hopefully i will pull a bit back in the last week on september.!
Thanks Rebecca.
I tend to be a bit of a yoyo, down one week up the next but overall it is going downwards.
well i got weighted today and I have lost 10lb!!! its my first week back but i'm still soooooo chuffed. I set myself a target to loose stone in a month so have 3 weeks to loose 4lb!!! yay me!
10lbs in a week?! Wow! Well done!
Stayed the same this week. A bit gutted but at least I didn't put any on either! I did lose inches though :)