I just don't think bouncing between high and low carb 3 times in 3 weeks will be healthy for me. I've done it this week as I didn't want to take 3 weeks off plan and I have Sunday - Thursday to eat in plan which is at least time to get into ketosis for a couple of days. I feel like then taking 3 days off, then going back on the plan for 5 days, then a week off, then back on will just cause problems especially as I may have to go though Atkins flu, or carb withdrawl cravings or what have you. I didn't this time but I only took 1 afternoon off plan. 3 days might make it a different story. I also think that by doing it 3 times I may lose any metabolic advantage there is in taking a diet break.
As I say, shouldn't really have gone back on plan for these few days but I didn't want to take 3 days off plan and had to be off plan on Sat (complicated reasons that boil down to wanting to look normal and not-on-a-diet).
The worst possible diet in the world is mixing Atkins with high carb - which IMO is a danger for anyone who starts slipping on Atkins because if you have a 'mostly good' day on Atkins (aka high fat) but a carby meal 'slips in' then having been good on Atkins actually becomes a bad thing as the body burns the carbs so all the fat you've eaten doesn't get burned and is absorbed as just that - fat. I see new atkinsers doing that a lot - being frustrated because theyve been 'mostly' good when thats the worst thing to be. Either be Good or be bad! It's the reason I much prefer taking a solid diet break than just a few days on and a few days off. Atkins isn't designed that way.
How are you floundering, Di? Looks like you're doing well to me. Do you still feel like you're really struggling? You've done so well and I don't think you've had a proper stall at any point, just a frustrating slow down for a while. All I can say is it's thinking I was losing too slow and trying radical changes, fasts, restriction etc - anything that made the diet too hard - that has always always been the reason I've ended up falling off the wagon and eventually regaining before coming back to it. I look back now and realize I was an idiot - there was still a downward trend and while it may have been slower than I liked, if I hadn't messed with it I would be at target several times over by now.
It is so so hard not to tweak things sometimes though and sometimes little tweaks really do work wonders. Why must dieting be so vague.
-moonlights rambling again
Almond fairycakes
2 slices bacon
2 eggs
Spreadable cheese
Mug of alpro
Mfp: 31g carbs