Moonlights' (temporary) Maintenance

Hope your feeling ok, its rotten when you wake up and cant get back off to sleep. I end up winding myself up and eventully drop off when the alarm goes off, so annoying! x
Morning ML, sleep deprivation is no fun so I really hope you can do some catching up today. I have some nights where I only sleep an hour or two, but I'm a bit of a caffeine addict, so I don't exactly help myself! :rolleyes:

I'm going to make the Iamnotti biscuits today, so wish me luck - with my culinary prowess, anything could happen, lol!

Hope you're getting some rest xxx
I am usually at the doctor talking about how I sleep for 18 hours a day and am still exhausted ;) there's no point going to my GP sadly - my fatigue is caused by a raft of vitamin and mineral deficiencies - for which I get injections and infusions (where they put it in your arm from an IV bag at the hospital) plus a load of back up medications. The meds then put me on a sleep rollercoaster - for example after I get vitamin D I usually can't sleep for days once it hits my system. Then it settles and I start getting tired again because I'm low in something else, and so on.

I also have anxiety problems and that's always kept me awake, long before the other health issues. I've never managed to have a proper sleep pattern, even at school. At least I should be used to it by now.

Got back to sleep at 6am and then managed to oversleep which means I was late to go and visit my grandmother so had to run out of the house. Just got home and absolutely crashed - an eating my first meal of the day and it's 5pm! Second meal to follow verrrry shortly as long as I have the energy to get down to the kitchen.

I need to make cupcakes to take tomorrow as I'm out at a meeting at lunchtime then going to see Sweeney Todd in the evening so will be another killer long day for me. Thursday will be for nursing my aches I think.
Evening ml ....what a nightmare eating at 5pm you feel shattered....had a go at making the cocoa bark yesterday ....but if a flop as I thought I had laid it flat in the freezer but hadn't so one side was useless but the other side was thicker.....and think I put too much sweetener in....made some more tonight ....bit of a pain getting coconut oil out of the jar as I had put it n the fridge .....tried adding the 2 tbsps of cream to the mix and is in freezer at mo....although once I put the cream in it started to go hard instantly freezer at mo so we will see :).

How do u make your flax porridge it nice ?

I put a little too much sweetener in my cocoa bark the first time too - don't be afraid to taste it before freezing. I've also put my container in and ended up with one side thicker than the other - I just ate the thick side normally and scraped up the other side with a knife. Still yummy!

I know some people put the liquid mixture into baby food jars and don't freeze it, just eat it like a chocolate dessert when it firms up a bit.

Don't keep your oil in the fridge! It's a tropical oil so it's firm below 80 degrees but you microwave and melt it for the recipe anyway - its easiest if it's soft for that.

Today I added alpro soya milk to the mix instead of cream - took a bit longer to mix in but still tasted good.

Flax porridge: two tbsp of flax in a cereal bowl. Add a little alpro and mix with a fork first to get it to a thick paste, then a little more alpro to loosen it up. Pop in microwave - timings will vary, I do it for a minute and a half or two minutes - when you take it out it will have thickened much more and will almost look like a mim. Add more alpro and stir and it will loosen up again to a porridge consistency. Add sweetener, and sometimes I add vanilla essence or cinnamon. It can be a little bitter without sweetener - I like mine sweet, but then I also need sweetener in normal porridge as I am a wussy southerner.

I have to say I really do enjoy it and it has me eating more flax than I ever have before (as not a huge fan of mims) so will see on Friday what the results of that are.

Both recipes are totally induction friendly.
Thanks ml will give the flax porridge ago in the morning ....just looked in the freezer and it's looking good the milk chocolate bark that is :) x
Oo ... Hope you enjoy Sweeney Todd ML... I thought it was fantastic and Imelda and Michael are brilliant - particularly Imelda who stole the show for me!! Xx
i will have to pluck up the courage to make the flax porridge, and have to make this bark too and celeriac i am getting behind lol
Alpaca said:
Oo ... Hope you enjoy Sweeney Todd ML... I thought it was fantastic and Imelda and Michael are brilliant - particularly Imelda who stole the show for me!! Xx

Ah you saw it! Michael is a friend of my aunt, well, my mum too. It's such an unusual role for him to take, im excited to see him playing against type. Sweeney Todd has been one of my favorite musicals for years now (hated the film though) really looking forward to it - and I bet imelda is fab, it's a great role.

Then on Saturday going to see another of my favorite musicals - ***** ****** superstar at the 02. Last saw it at the Lyceum with Steve balsamo and zubin varla. I know this version won't be as good but wanted to see Tim minchin do Judas. And it will be my first visit to the O2. Going on my own though ):

And it does make it a week of awfully long days for me.

Food today

3 veggie frankfurters

Courgette zoodles with marks and Spencer's tomato and basil sauce and 40g cheddar

Smoked salmon mousse parcels with cucumber

Cocoa bark (mint flavour!)

Mfp: 28g carbs inc meds
Banana and cinnamon cupcakes to take with me tomorrow.


Don't worry, no actual bananas were harmed in the making of these cupcakes - I just used a dash of flavoring. Don't know what they taste like so will have to report back tomorrow. Was very tempted to try one early but this was delicious enough for tonight:

Morning, dinner looks good, how did the mint bark taste? I made a coffee version yesterday, did not taste great, but when I looked at coffee essence bottle I saw it went out of dat in 2008, time to clear the cupboards, I will try it again when I get a new bottle.
I hope sleep sorts itself soon, I couldn't cope with no sleep. Hugs
Mint bark tasted fine - I also made it with alpro rather than cream so it was a little darker but I quite like darker choc when it's mint.

Now to drag myself through the day....
On train ATM. Verdict on no-banana and cinnamon cupcakes? De-bloody-licious. Will be having these again.