Haha I was thinking about iron man the other day, too. Now I'd just like to weigh less than a regular bloke I think. I've never sat on anyones lap for fear of crushing them!
I'm not that full of determination, Di. I get tempted by something at least once a day, I've just somehow managed not to give in - I think the planned breaks I've had have helped with that even if they've slowed me down overall - better that than get fatalistic and give up. Maybe I've finally learned the lesson that bad foods will always be there, I don't have to have them now I can have them one day instead.
Famous last words I know, eek. We'll see. I always operate with the proviso that I could fall off the wagon tomorrow but for today I'll try not to.
I notice in the first post on my diary I got in quick with the excuses saying I usually fall off diets after a couple of months. It's true, I usually do - but 5 months on Atkins so far, might as well keep it up. It DOES help that I feel better and healthier and stronger and have less stomach issues on Atkins. Even when I'm not losing, I'm not ill because I'm overdosing on sugar.
Still I so admire you Di and Scrummie and Katie and all the other longtermers. I can only hope I have your stamina.
Lisa - you don't like cheese??? What is this madness???
I'm eating a delicious bowl of home made cauli cheese right now! Haven't slept yet but got some notes and a 3000 word piece of work done. I seem to be productive when I'm awake all night!