Moonlights' (temporary) Maintenance

I can give you another singing tip? If you're having trouble hitting a high note, clench your bum. Works like a charm.
Oh but it would make all musicals very interesting!
Irn Bru anyone?

Only with red bull, then you can fly away!
IMG_0304.jpgOuch ML, you are brave. This ones for you. Hope your home very soon and it's all over for a while and you feel the benefit of it. I took this to send to my son. Goodness know why he would want to be at an American university when he's missing half price irn bru and a macaroni pie. lol.
It's exactly the colour of irn Bru though isn't it - made me laugh. This is a new infusion, called ferinject - the old ones used to be much much slower. This is faster but you really feel it going in.

Macaroni pie????? Never heard of it but it's the kind of thing j think I'd best stay away from. Pasta in a pie? Really?
Well it's been a bit of a day so far - did get 2 hrs sleep pre-hospital which was a bad idea as it only made me wobblier. When I got there my blood pressure was down to 80/46 which is low even for me... Which is probably why I fainted. Felt like such a baby in front of the whole MDU - I have never fainted during it before, though I am scared of needles. I have wriggly veins and it has in the past taken up to 9 tries to get a line in - that was a very upsetting one. This nurse was a bit nervous and was digging around so much on her first try it really was hurting and I just went. Embarrassing.

Anyway wasn't for long but has left me feeling a bit weird (she got it the second time as evidenced by pic above).

Wanted nothing more than a chocolate bar afterwards but made it out of the hospital without diving into the shop knowing I had my mini beef joint to come home to...

...well I can see why no one had bought them. Cooked it according to the instructions for rare and it came out tough chewy and inedible. I could have cried. It's now 6pm and all I've eaten is the 200g celeriac I cooked with it. Can't stay upright any longer to cook something else and have nothing defrosted. Will try and cook later.

For now just having a bit of cheese and lying down.
I do a great steak because I can only eat it lean and rare so it's super simple. This was the first time I'd roasted beef except brisket - just went by the instructions on the label ): was so looking forward to it.
Oh ml, that's a tough day. I do hope it will have been worth the suffering. Like diem I wish I could pop over to you, tuck you in and feed you. Take care my dear.
Come and move in by me. I always wanted neighbors like the ones on 'neighbours' who were always popping round with a casserole!