Hi Moonwalker
I was also atkins. Lost 32 lbs on it but the restrictive nature of the food was making me think of changing plans.
I am trying JUDDD. Started April 29 on it.
I noticed in your sig. line you tried JUDDD also. Can you tell me about your experience with it? I think I might be 'too much of a carb addict' to continue with JUDD only because it allows all foods on an UP day. I know I could low carb the UP day, but in my mind JUDD is all about allowing those carbs back,

, and I am struggling on it. My mind is thinking atkins again.
What made you leave JUDD so fast? thanks
Hi FireDragon. I really loved the concept of JUDDD, and after around 18 months of SW and WW counting and many, many dieting years, I found JUDDD changed my whole outlook on food by removing the 'diet' mentality. Unfortunately my losses were very up and down over the two months I was on it, with a low overall loss, and although I wouldn't call myself impatient I still had around 5 - 6 stone to lose. I went back to Atkins for several reasons...
OH has pre diabetic high blood sugar and we know from previously doing Atkins that it works to reduce/control it.
I have a sensitivity to wheat/IBS and had just decided to cut wheat out/down as it had built up to regular pain, so that was one area already gone from my diet.
I have sinus problems which practically disappear on Atkins
I wanted at least a couple of weeks with a good result, to spur me on.
Both of us feel so much healthier and have more energy when we are low carbing. We had a low carb Sunday roast this weekend and we both commented how if it had been an 'ordinary' Sunday roast we would have washed up and probably felt like falling asleep, but this weekend we still felt alert and awake, even after a plateful of food.
In a weird way I feel less like I am 'dieting' on Atkins than I did on SW/WW. I think the very 'black and white' nature of it, especially in Induction, suits me.
Once I've got through the first few days then the carb desires wane.
Phew - that wasn't intended to be an Atkins advert, but they are all true for me. Having said that, I was disappointed to give up JUDDD. I know some people have fantastic losses on it. I haven't ruled it out completely for the future. The plan is to stick to Atkins until Christmas, then re-assess. I won't be staying on Induction levels for the whole time though!
Well done on losing 32 lbs by the way.