Gold Member
Hi, Moonwalker,
I found your weight loss diary encouraging (except the JUDD part. I just started JUDDD Monday:sighI have read many threads trying to figure out which diets work and which don't. I read about people praising a diet but their statistics don't show much success. So I was encouraged by your diary because it is real life, just like my experience and it gave me hope because it helped me to see, I have to find what works best for me and stick to it. I started spring of 2011 playing with Atkins- not really faithfully sticking to it. I have been obese all of my adult life and made myself a promise not to die "obese". I lost 50# by Christmas 2011 and played around losing and gaining most of 2012. In 2013 I gained back 13 of the 50 I had lost. Now I again want desperately to get serious and started May 6th on Atkins. I was not very successful the first week at losing but I have knee problems which are vastly reduced on Atkins. I am not sure why, I just know when I follow Atkins and stay relatively low carb, no sugar, no pasta, potatoes and high carb foods I have almost no knee pain. Problem is I lost 0 pounds. Monday April 13 I started Juddd. I had never heard of JUDDD so when I read about it I decided to commit for 1 month. So far 5 pounds gone. I am still doing Atkins just the JUDDD way. When I stick to Atkins I have no problems with hunger just boredom. So with JUDD if I slip a little on the carbs occasionally I really haven't broken my diet. I plan to do JUDD at least two weeks before I even consider any extra carbs. My plan (DD-400 CALORIES, UD- 2000 calories, Occasional MD-1000 calories staying at 20-30 carbs per day). I have not measured myself recently but I can now button clothes that I had to struggle to button 10 days ago. I gave away all my larger size clothes and will have to go naked if I can't wear my new size. LOL I feel good at the weight I am right now but I know I will feel fantastic when I lose another 50#. Thank you for your post and I pray someone will be encouraged by mine. At the end of May I will post my weight loss diary. Is it okay to post my diary to your thread or do I need to start another?
Life is to short to stay fat.
Hi oglalagirl and welcome to my diary. Well done on your loss so far. Don't let my experience with JUDDD put you off. You are absolutely right in that we all have to do what works for us. It looks like combining low carb and JUDDD is working for you at the moment. I find this forum very supportive and non judgemental - people will support and encourage you whatever diet you choose. I loved the JUDDD plan in so many ways, but for the time being Atkins/low carb is working for me. Please do post in my diary whenever you want to, but definitely start your own diary too, as you will find you get support from others through it and also I find looking back over my diaries really useful if I am struggling.
No worries about the name!