Moo's year - 24 st start and restart

To cut a long story short. I lost 10lbs this week. Daughter wouldn't go as we had a mega fight last night, and as the worlds worst mother, she doesn't want to know me! Apparently we are the worse parents EVER!!! So i couldn't get her to go to the weigh in :( saying that she did do it 100% to be fair, and according to our scales she lost 13lbs. But after last night, i wouldn't be surprised if she ate us out of house and home :( xx
hez amazing effort! don't let the fight get you down. I was terrible to my mother until I was 16 (not sure how old your daughter is - I would have been mean for longer if it wasn't for falling pregnant). We're now best friends forever. Teenagers are just mean and always say things they don't mean. I recall saying to her - you are an abject failure as a mother and she's the nicest person in the world.

Big hugs xx
feeling down in the dumps today :-(

I feel like this everytime I see the man and then have nothing in the diary to see him again. I just don't think I'm cut out for this whole casual type "seeing someone" arrangement (even though I know neither of us are seeing other people). At some point I've got to face up to the fact it's not going anywhere and move on. This is the first relationship of any kind I've had in 7 years so I've got some of my confidence back and am sure I can meet someone who actually wants a proper relationship. It's taken a long time but I feel ready for that.

If I get in any deeper with this guy it's going to hurt like hell when it all ends (and it will do as likely he'll move abroad). I'm not sure I can cope with that so after our September holiday (away together with lots of our friends), I've got to end it - whatever "it" is. I also don't want to risk our friendship as we have so many mutual friends (and he is best buddies with my brother :rolleyes:)

sorry for the brain dump - I just find it hard to talk to my friends about this stuff as trying to pretend I don't really care and am enjoying keeping it casual. But it's not really the case :p

So sorry to hear this Cat, you need to do what makes you happy, life is too sort to spend it miserable, at least you have time until your holiday to make the right decision for you and go from there x
To cut a long story short. I lost 10lbs this week. Daughter wouldn't go as we had a mega fight last night, and as the worlds worst mother, she doesn't want to know me! Apparently we are the worse parents EVER!!! So i couldn't get her to go to the weigh in :( saying that she did do it 100% to be fair, and according to our scales she lost 13lbs. But after last night, i wouldn't be surprised if she ate us out of house and home :( xx

Well done on your weight loss Hez that is great x

Aww my sister went through a phase of this with our mom and a short while later couldn't even remember being that mean to her, i know it is difficult but try not to take it personally, big hug x
Blondcat - So sorry hun *hugs* That seems like a hard decision to make. You can be honest with us, No judgement here! We just want whats best for you lovely xxx

Hez thats BLOOOOOOOODYYYYY AMAZING! So so proud of you and I promise you she doesn't mean it. It really is a teenage thing. Some of the things I used to say to my parents growing up! Today your the worst parents and in a few weeks your the best parent ever. It will pass, Promise! Shame she didn't get to weigh in but heres to next week, She will have 2 lots of weeks loss and can be a happy bunny and you can both share the excitement there! :)

Solange - YAY NEW COOKER! lol Hope you've had a lovely day xxx

ANDDD of course all you other beauties reading, hope you are well :) xxx
I have to say something …
I been naughty.… very …

Dont know what happened. But I was cooking and usually Im so good with tasting but today I could not stop. Just everything found way into my mouth. Chicken curry. Fries. Naan bread. Onion rings. Ham and cheese sw. Chocolate. Half a cookie. Spoonful of caramel ice cream. Bree cheese. Maybe something else…

Ok amounts were not so big but still. Have no idea how many syn I had. 50? 75? 100?

On my way to bus I was thinking what happened and why I could not stop myself. ( were searching someone to blame :p ) come up with few things.

1) I didnt had lunch at home and when I got to work I was so hungry that could eat a horse. And then I had to made curry for staff. … so it started.…
2) I have told you before I use pepsi max as my treat and that helps me to stay away from chocolate and cookies and sugar basically. But for few days I have cut back on pepsi as Im trying to drink as much water as that deem app tells me. Dont have room for another drink. I almost have to carry a bucket with me as it is. Lol
3) on my way trough the day I felt that I have failed this day already and why not to take last of it.
4) nothing else to say. I learned my lesson. I know its hard for me to have my syns in morning and I had 7 this morning. Failing myself. Was happy this morning over size 14 top and then go and eat all the wrong stuff.

Do I feel guilty ? No not really. But Im ashamed. I have lost all this weight and I still have long way to go. I can not stop now or go back where I was.
I will do better tomorrow and I know I still can have weight loss this week. One day will not change a thing. But losing my will-power will.

Waiting my bus and it started to rain. And same time from my mp3 Lordy "royals" started. :) feeling so good at the moment. Perfect song to listen in rain. I love rain. I love walking in rain and love the feeling of raindrops landing on my skin. :D I knew I will be fine. I big believer of signs and this was sign for me to let go and be who I am. :D

Girls hope you had good days and you did not forgot to smile.

Hez hun is everything ok now. Hope you have chat with girls and you find peace.

Hugs to everyone. Seems we all had little things in our mind and hearts today. But we are strong and we get fro it. One step at the time :)
hez amazing effort! don't let the fight get you down. I was terrible to my mother until I was 16 (not sure how old your daughter is - I would have been mean for longer if it wasn't for falling pregnant). We're now best friends forever. Teenagers are just mean and always say things they don't mean. I recall saying to her - you are an abject failure as a mother and she's the nicest person in the world.

Big hugs xx
Thanks blondcat. She is 16, and today its the silent treatment. Which drives me nuts. Have had the hubby chatting to her all day so she feels she has one parent she can go too. :( kids eh!! xx
feeling down in the dumps today :-(

I feel like this everytime I see the man and then have nothing in the diary to see him again. I just don't think I'm cut out for this whole casual type "seeing someone" arrangement (even though I know neither of us are seeing other people). At some point I've got to face up to the fact it's not going anywhere and move on. This is the first relationship of any kind I've had in 7 years so I've got some of my confidence back and am sure I can meet someone who actually wants a proper relationship. It's taken a long time but I feel ready for that.

If I get in any deeper with this guy it's going to hurt like hell when it all ends (and it will do as likely he'll move abroad). I'm not sure I can cope with that so after our September holiday (away together with lots of our friends), I've got to end it - whatever "it" is. I also don't want to risk our friendship as we have so many mutual friends (and he is best buddies with my brother :rolleyes:)

sorry for the brain dump - I just find it hard to talk to my friends about this stuff as trying to pretend I don't really care and am enjoying keeping it casual. But it's not really the case :p
It sounds like you know what you have to do. When your in a relationship like that you can get comfortable. But that comes at a price, either he will meet someone that he does want a proper relationship.... Or else you not going to look for your mr right!! Your gonna settle for mr right now! Your a beautiful girl, and there is someone out there waiting just for YOU.... :) find that guy xxx
Well done on your weight loss Hez that is great x

Aww my sister went through a phase of this with our mom and a short while later couldn't even remember being that mean to her, i know it is difficult but try not to take it personally, big hug x
Thank you. I hope your right, when your in it up to your neck, you cant see any light at the end of the tunnel. xx
Blondcat - So sorry hun *hugs* That seems like a hard decision to make. You can be honest with us, No judgement here! We just want whats best for you lovely xxx

Hez thats BLOOOOOOOODYYYYY AMAZING! So so proud of you and I promise you she doesn't mean it. It really is a teenage thing. Some of the things I used to say to my parents growing up! Today your the worst parents and in a few weeks your the best parent ever. It will pass, Promise! Shame she didn't get to weigh in but heres to next week, She will have 2 lots of weeks loss and can be a happy bunny and you can both share the excitement there! :)

Solange - YAY NEW COOKER! lol Hope you've had a lovely day xxx

ANDDD of course all you other beauties reading, hope you are well :) xxx
Thanks hun. Your turn tomorrow :) xx
thankfully she has been using my shakes today, so I'm hoping (fingers crossed) that she will let me take her in a day or 2! As i drink 21 strawberry shakes for the week, she might get fed up with those soon lol xx
Destamia.... My friend, i wanted so badly to do that last night. But i knew i wouldn't stop at 10, 20, 30 different foods. It wouldn't have changed how i felt inside, it would have just added to my guilt. Thats where you are way stronger than i, as you can do that, and get back on the diet tomorrow... I wish i had your strength. Im hoping in time, that i will when it comes to food. One of your best tools for dieting is your meal plans (but i do love the photos umm nom nom), and thats something i definitely intend doing when i get back munching... That way you haven't got the excuse to just 'grab this, grab that' to refuel.
Thanks for all the love and support. This is like a little family here, and its one i value! (Thats to EVERYONE) XXX
Thanks for all your support ladies. Feeling better today. Ironically because me an man had loads of good chat yesterday which just makes me forget all my common sense thoughts. Hopeless.

Destamia if it makes you feel any better I had 2 chocolate bars last night and I weigh 9 stone 9! Stupid binge. But honestly I think people like us are programmed to do that at any weight. I think the difference is that gradually with every binge mine get less bad and not through conscious choice.

I ordered half as much dominos on Sunday as usual and only ate half of it. Just didn't feel like I needed to finish it. Almost like I'm starting to realise I don't need to eat everything in sight anymore. 2 stone ago I was defo not like - it's been very gradual. If I want some chocolate i can have some. Doesn't have to be 2 bars at 11pm followed by everything in the fridge!!! I had the 2 bars then practiced my splits :)
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Ladies, reading all this has left me a bit light headed! My lovely Hez you have done so well and the daughter thingy believe me I know only to well!! I had unbelievable trouble with mine from 16 onwards. We now have peace and tranquillity and she is now 43. You are doing fab my friend. Am dead proud of you. Much love to you.
Destamia my pal, I think we all need a little freek out now and then. Thinking what you have achieved and looking at the photos I am wow! OK, fun over and back on track, yes?
As for my little Blonde cat. I want to hug you and give you pearls of boring old wisdom only an old gal can give! Ditto Lucie. In fact all!! I am off for second cuppa on the patio and chill out. Hugs all round. :bighug:
@solange, Or should I say Bev - lol Is it weird I loved typing your name solage! hahaha HI BEV *smooches*

@Blondcat - I'm so glad you are feeling a smidge better as you got to chat to the guy. Just because it feels like the right thing to do, doesn't make it easy. I'm sure it's going to hurt like hell but I'm a firm believer in character building. You might love him, But you love yourself too and having self worth and knowing what you deserve is so so much more important so well done you <3

@Helen - Silent treatment, Ah I know only too well. I was queen at it, then Id be the witty comebacks and snap at my parents, I used to think I was the dogs danglys, You have to let her come around on her own terms and when she does it will be back on track. As for now, Carry on being strong, You are doing so so well as its so easy to reach for the wine or the chocolate or god else what your vice is :p But you managed to hold off and thats one less thing for you to feel bad about so well done you lovely <3

Lastly, My gorgeous Desti-face <3 Firstly, I just want to tell you well done. Do you know how hard that was to come out and be honest? To tell us you had a slip? So many others would of brushed it under the carpet, or just said " i had a bad day, oh well onto tomorrow " but you told us in detail and you were honest and you accepted responsibility and that my darling takes ALOT of courage so firstly, I just want to acknowledge that and give you a huge pat on the back.

The way I like to think bout it is that you are on a long journey and even when you reach your destination, You still need to maintain whre you are, One step back in the entirety of your journey will not stray you off your path to success. You just took a mini detour and like you said, Back on it tomorrow. You enjoyed a treat, BUT being at your target is going to taste ( and feel) better so you choose Success!

I hope you have a better day today and feel more in control!

Ladies, at the risk of being a mushy woman without a star week to blame anymore, I just want to say I love you all. Your strenghs inspire me and I'm just so thankful to be here and be a part of it and to soak it all in because I promise you ladies, It's because of all of you that I'm even more motivated to succeed <3

Sending out some serious awesome sauce hugs today and the odd cheeky smooch :p xxxx
Hello everyone =)
Thank you all for support. Thats why I love this thread and all people here. Thank you again for making this place here like home and us all as family. Bev - you are so sweet and warm and as you so kindly told us your name , I will do the same. My name is Rita :)

As promised my aim is to be on plan today. For that I got myself a Pepsi Max to keep me strong and away from sugar.
So far so good =)
As I told before Im trying to get enough water in me but that makes me go to bathroom every 2 hours lol . And wakes me up 3 times in night . Not sure its worth it. Giggle. Anyway got up 7 in morning and its my day off - nuts I know . At this point I had have breakfast and lunch and ( second lunch , lol ) But lets go back to start

Day 5 ( already ? time fly's)
I had overnight oat and yogurt ( müller light mandarin 0,5 syns ) and fresh pineapple and orange juice 4 syns Total 5 syns

Lunch - Fresh salad, potato mach and turkey-carrot terrine with horse radish and curd dressing. Total 0 syns

And second lunch , lol - what makes me laugh is that I have movie " night" today. Watching all 3 parts of "Hobbit" and as you know hobbits have 2 lunches , just like me today =D

I made nice snack plate for myself. Have Pepsi max as drink and now I can enjoy my movie. One thing girls I want to do one of those days soon . Go to cinema. Havent been in cinema in years - maybe 8 and last time when I was in cinema I must say my soft-spot was way to big for the chair and I dont even remember the movie we were seeing but remember that my arse was hurting week after :p

So second lunch ( cinema stile snack's )
Potato chips, celery, peppers, tomato, mushrooms filled with soft cheese (he), ketchup and mayo 2 syns , cottage cheese with Thai red curry paste 1 syn - total 3 syns

that leave me 7 more syns for tonight and I will need it as my movie night will be long =)

I must say Im happy with myself - for being on plan and I know thats to all of your good words and wishes will make me stronger. Now I have to run , have meeting with my bathroom again , giggle - enjoy your day girls and hugs to all of you.
I'm Cat. obvs ;-)
Hey Cat wave/ :)

My hubby got this Asda free magazine yesterday and it have mighty recipes in it. Will try to work out some of then in sw way. First I will try those jam- jar desserts.
Here are the pic from magazine- Mine will be here later when I work out how to do them syn free :)

NB ! Remember my friend was visiting last week and she have tagged me on FB photo. I must say at first I was - what ?? How can you tag someone without asking and anyway - Im not ready to have tagged on photos. But you know what. I was looking at this photo , yes not perfect one but thats how I look. And its not really so bad. Lol. I have come long way and should be proud. Right ? :)
Let me show you the photo too

And its time for Hobbit part 2 :)
Hey Cat wave/ :)

My hubby got this Asda free magazine yesterday and it have mighty recipes in it. Will try to work out some of then in sw way. First I will try those jam- jar desserts.
Here are the pic from magazine- Mine will be here later when I work out how to do them syn free :)
View attachment 148864
View attachment 148865

NB ! Remember my friend was visiting last week and she have tagged me on FB photo. I must say at first I was - what ?? How can you tag someone without asking and anyway - Im not ready to have tagged on photos. But you know what. I was looking at this photo , yes not perfect one but thats how I look. And its not really so bad. Lol. I have come long way and should be proud. Right ? :)
Let me show you the photo too
View attachment 148866

And its time for Hobbit part 2 :)

Of course you should be proud, you've done amazingly well!! xx
Hey Lola and thank you :) I sure feel happy and little proud too :p

Day 5 is ending and time to make last notes about food-plan.

Potato chips with bean and beef mince stew and tomatoes - all syn free

And now best thing I ever had ( well maybe the best thing but god it was so so good )
My syn free version of asda magazine desserts.
2 alpen bars( he). Natural fat free formage frais, sweetener. Frozen berries. And all this makes magic :) even my hubby kept looking at hes already empty jar and dreaming of more , lol.

This will be my healthy extra for some time now, lol - and so worth it :)