hello hello - well walk of shame 'ish
last night I could not keep myself on plan 100% but it was way better then last week have been.
For dinner I had couscous with parsnips and red wine sauce - 3 syn
Thats 1 syn over ... but at the end of the day I figured out who is my sabotage
its my dam co-worker ) I need to speak to him today. I did not realize before that he is the reason I eat wrong stuff without noticing it. So last night I was doing so good , not taking any cookies he left around or cheese ,but then without knowing it I eat 4 onion rings and thats hes fault. He leaves things just lying around and I eat it . Dam
Will tell him today he must bin things that he overcooks - not to leave chips , fries and onion rings on tray when he done too many.
So yes I dont know how much syns onion rings give but I would say 1 per 1 ?
so I had about 20 syns last night ...
Good thing is I drink a lot of tea and water and even better is that I have lost a kilo from yesterdays weight. Strange how weight can drop a kilo and gain few kilos with one or two days. 3 kilo is still way better then 4,2 =) So small step back to right direction.
One more thing I was thinking. I know that some people have 20 syn when they have hard time to get back on plan. My consultant told about it few months ago and I see MC too have sometimes 20 syns. So I will go and try that for 2 weeks. Thats until 7/11/14 . That should help me to get back on track.
Just was looking my calender and I see that I have made plan to be 110 kg this Saturdays WI - well this will never happen, sadly I have failed my mini goals. But only with timing, not with goal. I have still 3 days ahead and I will do my best to get back where I was. If to think about it - its not so far anymore , only 6,4 kilos to go. Thats nothing. Small amount
Im excited today - my hubby went for working interview and I hope he will get the job. Its not something he would like to do , but thats job and it does not matter what the job is. I asked in hotel if they need and handyman and they do, so hopefully he will get it. They will offer minimum wage and 0 hour contract. But its still something. Even if he would do 10 hours a week it still would be paid 10 hours we did not had before, so fingers crossed here =)
Breakfast today
toasted bread with soft cheese (he) and chili beans, tuna and cottage cheese, cucumber and fry eggs. syn free yogurt. coffee 2 syns
I had huge amount to eat as I need to try to get full from free foods not from onion rings
Going to work later and will just enjoy morning off. Im still not well and Im tired but every day is better. =)
Smiles and hugs to all