Ha as far as I was aware I didn't have fat feet so I'm very shocked!! The salmon was taaaaaasty. Today we're making home made nandos with bake in a bag spices, can't wait
Didn't really do a proper update earlier so hello again! Had a busy day yesterday as was doing a mass house clean so by the time my sister and my little nieces arrived, it was 12.30. I forgot to eat before we went out, so didn't eat a morsel until 5pm which is horrendous! I don't even know how it happened, as I spend so much time thinking about food!
So I ended up having scrambled eggs for a very late lunch and cooked oat bran chicken nuggets for tea didn't drink nearly enough yesterday so think it will affect me badly!
Today we made plans to go to my grans for 12pm where I would have my nieces while my sis went to work until her hubby got back from work. Unfortunately OH was about to make my breaky when he decided to slice into the palm of his hand with a bread knife while trying to cut a baguette.... It was horrendous. Blood everywhere and the fat was trying to push itself out of his skin bllluuurrrggghhhh. So he dragged himself to a and e while I rushed to have the girls and as soon as daddy arrived I rushed back to OH! Luckily no stitches (he is deathly scared of needles) but they've glued his hand back together and put butterfly stitches on it. He's all bandaged up now and has been advised that driving is a bad idea! What a total nightmare.
I finally ate at 2.30 and we've just been invited to a carvery for dinner with my other sister and her hubby - girls, what is the protocol for gravy? If I avoid potatoes will I be ok? xxxxx
Oh Julie it's nothing compared to today unfortunately! Teaching started today and it's been a nightmare ha.
Nandos is tonight because it's easy and went out for a roast last night but I'll let you know how it goes we used to do it with chicken pittas, sweet potato mash and corn on the cob but can't have those anymore! It's a pp day today so I'll just do chicken for me and chips and salad for OH - maybe corn if he's lucky ha
Aaaah can't wait for this day to be over! Only 3 hrs 45 mins to go... Mondays don't half drag!
Its the halloumi cheese and pineapple that makes nandos perfect for me. Need to stop thinking about it now lol!!
Fingers crossed today speeds up for you! I have that Monday feeling. I have a deadline for the piece of training that I am creating and I have a complete block around the writing. Might go for a walk ... the joys of working from home most days
I love the halloumi cheese as well, you reminded me!!
Writers block is the worst - I wish I could work from home though! I just found out that my job won't even be made permanent this side of Christmas - I've been working there since June and on my current temp contract I get paid weekly so am really worried about money over Xmas shut down feeling blue and fed up! X
OH just asked if we should get something nice for pudding but non dukan food would make me feel even worse so don't worry, I'll be staying on the straight and narrow!! Xx
Had to kinda chip away at it, was like an iceberg lol!Tesco very rarely cheers me up ... but then I do work for them so ...... lol!! I love my job really so can't moan xx
Had a loss of 2.4lbs this morning was expecting a little less to go in line with my losing pattern so I'm happy! Plus I have eaten little bits of the following this week : choc spread, gnocchi, a few quavers and a treacle tart and custard on Friday (whoopsy)
The fish concoction I made last night was gooooood if I do say so myself! We poached some frozen fish pie mix and cooked gnocchi for OH, but I made a beschamel sauce from milk, corn flour, and veg stock and it was heavenly! I put a little bit of extra light philly in there too. Yum yum! Xx
I just celebrated my loss with 6 biscuits....whoopsy! And have to go to a work lunch this arvo ha. Oh well!
I am 0.6lbs away from 2 stoneeeeeee!
I decided today was going to be a good day - I didn't stop at one red light this morning and I live right in the middle of town, so this means I am going to have a great day ha
Am going to the drs about my implant today, and hoping they will either 1) schedule to get it taken out or 2) give me a pill which will stop my periods as I have been on them since 15th August (not nice!)
My fab day did materialise, drs are putting me on pills to control my period and bought some new size 12 work clothes would be so much easier though if my boobs weren't so freaking enormous!!
Had Thai fish en pappiotte last night which was lovely, thoroughly enjoyed all the veg too - before this diet I only are veg because you're supposed to but now I actually enjoy it which is great
Hope everyone has a good day, hump of the week lets goooo! Xxx