I think my list is too long to post, I was at the stage where I didn't like anything about myself..so my main reasons are:-
1) Health. I was a cancer patient, I now have kidney problems and weight affects kidney function.
2) I want to make sure I live to see my grandchild born.
3) I want to be able to visit my daughter in OZ and join in activities instead of sitting on the porch watching.
4) I need to be able to do chores without taking a sofa break every few minutes.
5) I want to be able to go into a store and pick up something off the peg and know it'll fit.
My list is endless, all in all I just NEED to be fit and healthy. I have with Exante realised that all things are possible, I have reached some of these goals and feel so much better, I'm more confident and I am healthier, my kidney functions have improved and my scans show a big improvement, my consultant is impressed. I will never go back to what I was, I have touched on what I can eventually be and I intend to get there and stay there... CS