MrC's better late than never diary

I am undecided about what level I'd like to teach if I do eventually go that route.

A lot of my close friends are teachers but they all teach at primary level. I've enjoyed my limited time in primary schools (as a volunteer) and would feel good about teaching young children but I'm not too sure the light-touch on a wide range of subjects would be enough to keep me stimulated. I then think that teaching an ICT discipline in greater depth would be great but I'm not sure dealing with surly secondary kids on a daily basis would be that fulfilling either. Teaching ICT to adults was a thought but I'm not sure I'd feel like I was doing enough. I like to think of teaching as more than just teaching a subject but also trying to impart some morals and respect. That's something that wouldn't happen with adults.

I've got a little while yet to decide and there's a good chance that I'll be doing part-time ICT in a few primary schools soon (not teaching) while I'm doing my studies and that may expose me to it all a bit more. It could help me decide what I want to do and provide me with the experience and audience to develop my own educational games and software.

With regards to my studies this year, I'm happy for two reasons:

1 - all straight A's so far (although the grade doesn't count towards the degree)
2 - the other students have finally stoped calling me Sir! :D

Oh, and another 100% HONK for me today! :)

Lots to think about then!

With adult, they should be more motivated (unless they're there because education/training is now compulsary till 18), but the pay can be very poor in the FE sector.

Secondary, you've got the behaviuor issues (which, if the leadership of the school is poor, can make your job unmanageable) but the career advancement oppotunities are better. In addition, with the new Acdemy/Free school drive you may not need to hold QTS to be employed as a teacher, so may be easier to get into. However, with the new Ebac, the curriculum is narrowing (Michael Gove has only mentioned ICT once since being in his role) so there may be less vacancies in nonEbac subjects.

Primary, can be very physically exhausting (there's no free periods like there are in Seconday, and the marking work load can be massive, my staff regularly stagger home with 120 books a day to be marked), but you build fantastic relationships with the children and no two days are the same.

I work in Primary and I absolutely love my job!

Good luck on your journey! Both academically and slimming wise!
Mini update:

I have a very busy (maybe even stressful) week has I have to do a lot of work for a uni assignment with a deadline of Thursday. I've noticed I've been a little blunt with some of my forum posts in the last few days and as I am really busy I will be visiting (or at least posting) a little less frequently for the next few days. Rest assured, I'll be back late next week with a smile on my face and a refeed to report on.

Diet related news:

I'm still 100%.

I had the best number two that I've had in the months since I started LT. I expect a nice weight loss ready for next week's refeed now.

You all just hang in there and keep dropping those ponds. :)
Thanks sparkilingshootingstar. I hear Specsavers are doing a 2-for-1 this week! :D

I'll have my final TFR weigh-in on Thursday but I had a sneaky unofishy one at home today (and I always count my scales as the right ones anyway) and I've had a 3lb loss since last Thursday.

By my reckning that puts me 1lb off 4 stones lost and I have to say it sounds good to me.

When I started LT I told myself I'd be chuffed at 12st 7lbs and be overjoyed at 12st. This 11st 3lbs has eclipsed my greatest expectations but I'm not sure how maintainable this low weight is for me. I'll put a 11st 10lbs marker in my mind as my new 'top-end'. If I ever post on here that I'm up to that weight then please let me feel the wrath of a thousand dieting ladies (and blokes) and I'll soon get it back off.

I really hope my refeed and maintenance work out how I am hoping.

I'll be back to irritate you all sometime towards the end of the week. :)
Hey have done amazing!!!! 11st must be so slim....(or fit for a man???)
I was planning to refeed on Wed but i'm gonny see the week out and refeed on Fri night instead....2 extra days could be 1 or 2 extra lbs for me!
I wanted to be 13st by 25th Apr but i got that last i'm hoping for 4lbs this week....maybe 5lb til Friday?! Let's hope we can do this reffed properly....i'm dreading it as i'm terrified i'll go back to my old ways!!!
I have been walking at least 1 1/2 hrs per day and play netball once a week and i plan to join boxercise next Monday so hopefully I'll still be in the zone and not want to indulge in food that makes me feel cr@p!!!!
Good luck MrC...x
Hey MrC I am coming to Birmingham on Sunday to go to a gig, but thought I would come early to hit the shops. If I see a man posing around being fit and trendy I will say hello!
Patches he'll be posing in the shop windows!!! Or getting chased out of shop windows by security!!! Lol
I will be running around like a mad thing now I've got my Uni assignments done!

Last TFR weigh day tomorrow. . .
Well all ready for this?????
Did you get weighed? Are you refeeding today or Fri? All these questions! :p
Congratulations on your last uni assignment - I am currently studying for my last uni exam EVER. Can't wait to feel like you are, 5 weeks till my refeed. I know I can do it. Honestly your posts around the site have been pretty good for cheering me up when it's been rough
Littleflower, I had intended to refeed today but it's going to be tomorrow, now. Two words - PHARMACIST & SUPPLIES!!!!

You made it this far and it really wasn't that bad was it? I knew you would make it, well done.

I only lost 3lbs last week so I'm now, at the end of my TFR, 11st 3lbs which is a loss of 55lbs. I am more than ready for refeeding and would even go so far as to say I'm excited by the thought. I can't really lose much more weight anyway as I'll end up looking like something the Nazis made. :p

My wife is cooking two chicken breasts tonight which will be Friday and Saturday meals but I can't decide what veggies to have. My evening will be taken up with drawing up my refeed plan. Did I mention that I am doing it for two weeks, doubling up on each day?

Jenny, thanks, that was my last assignment for this year - it's a shame it's only my first year :( although in truth I have enjoyed it. I'm glad I've been able to distract you a little and you should use all the tools you have at hand, even if that is reading the occasional whittering from a mad dieting man on an Internet forum.

Good luck with you diet.
I have stopped posting to this thread regularly now as I've finished the TFR and I'm halfway through my two week refeed. I've been posting my refeed exploits in a new thread in that area area. I'll start a third thread soon detailing my maintenance and how I put all the weight back on . . . oops, I mean how I managed to keep it all off forever more. :p

I see you have less than a stone left to lose, Jenny. That's good going, well done. :) Keep it up.
That's the way to go Jenny. Get the achieveables ticking off and the road is then much shorter. Put some treats/rewards in there too as you will likely be needing some new clothes as you go along anyway.

Dieting is all about the planning and the mind games. The fact that you ain't eating much is pretty insignificant. You body isn't that fussed.

Good luck with it all.