Day 7
I'm just sitting down with a coffee with sweetener and skimmed milk in it as I write this. I didn't mention it in my diary but I've had one each evening for the last few days and have been looking at it as a bit of a treat. Before the diet I probably only had one coffee a month but I really look forward to them now. I don't think I'll have one every day and I certainly don't expect to be having several a day either.
I just think it's strange how my tastes have changed during my diet and I really am open to retrying things I'd previously dismissed before because I didn't like them. I'm actually one of those people that will try most things and certainly won't say I dislike something until I've actually had it. Today was one of thise days of rediscovery so on to the food log.
I had Summer Fruits for breakfast again and this definitely froths up more than the Orange Creme does. B-L-O-A-T-E-D.
Lunch required no cooking today - two slices of brown bread with a single slice of ham and bit of the Heinz Tangy Tomato Spread. I never would have thought a sandwich without butter or margarine could taste so nice. I throroughly enjoyed it and found it really filling. It wasn't so dry it was offputting but it was dry enough that it took some effort to swallow down which helped make it feel a lot bigger and heavier than it was. The fact that it took seconds to prepare and that it seemed like normal everyday food just added to the experience. I'm having the same for lunch tomorrow and I'm really looking forward to it.
My dinner was another (I keep having these now) deviation from the plan. I still had the roast chicken breast as planned but I had a slight change in the 'mash' department. The chicken went in the oven for 40 minutes and while this was going on I diced some baby potatoes, leaving the skins on and started them boiling. I had intended to boil some carrots and mash them together with some quark but while I went shopping (more on that in a bit) I got tempted to try using swede instead. Now, swede is something I only ever have on Christmas Day and then it's 25% swede mashed with 75% butter, a load of pepper and more salt than can be considered health!. I diced the swede up too and got that boiling - I think they both took about 20 minutes or so to boil although I lost track when my mate came round just to tell me I looked like something from Bergen-Belsom and that I should eat!! Anyway, once cooked I mashed some of the swede and all the potatoes together with some pepper. I didn't add salt as I salted the boiling water and I didn't use quark either - still no added fat if I can help it. While I was mashing I cooked a couple of baby carrots and a few green beans in the microwave and I dished the lot up.
The chicken was again really nice as were the vegetables but what about this swede and potato mash? It was the best part and I want to do it again. Because I left the skins on the potatoes (they were apache potatoes so the skin is purple and yellow patches) this peeled off in the mashing process and added some nice texture to the mix. It wasn't smooth like creamed potatoes but it was more than soft enough and the little lumps in it made it really nice. Not like the lumps in creamy mash potato which frankly, puts me off. Dinner filled me up and was both a suprising and enjoyable.
I said I'd mention my shopping trip. I just couldn't believe what I bought as I was packing at the checkout. I hardly ever have fruit or vegetables but I have been running low of food the last few days so my shopping contents were:
Frozen white fish
Lemon Juice
Bell Peppers
Green Beans
Frozen Petit Pois
Tic Tacs
I had to convince myself that this is actually what I wanted to buy as it just seemed so strange not to see a load of processed food, meats, desserts and pizzas. I was hoping people were eyeing up the conveyor so they would think 'health freak'!! LOL
So today I've embraced butterless sandwiches and swede 'n' potato mash and really enjoyed both of them. It looks like I have a lot of discovering left to do and I'm up for the challenge.
* Sorry for these posts getting longer and longer - it appears food now puts me into 'Drone Mode'.