Breakfast was Orange Creme. can anyone see a pattern developing?

I really gulped it down and I think that set me off to a really uncomfortable morning.
Actually, it was an extrememely painful morning. Within 15 minutes of having the shake I was doubled up on the floor with stomach pains. After an hour and 2 ibuprofen I was still struggling and I couldn't get it to ease up at all. I decided to go for a 45 minute walk to see if that 'dislodged' something but it didn;t really work. A little later on it eased slightly and so I went up to bed to see if I could sleep it off but no sooner I got into bed my wife rang to tell me she was heading to hospital with her mom who had a heart attack and that I needed to go move the car as she'd left it in a bad place. So another 25 minute walk later I really felt ill - queasy and still had the pains. I tried to make myself sick but that didn't happen but almost instantly the pain and sickness went. An hour later I was as right as rain but I'm a little apprehensive about tomorrow's shake. I must drink it slowly.
The lovely ham sandwich from yesterday made another appearance for lunch today - not the exact same sandwich, that would be gross, but a new one made just the same.

I had it around 5pm as I'd not been brave anough to try more food until then after the morning's episode.
My dinner was more of the frozen fish but using Irish Molly's suggestion I put a slice of lemon on top of it and that really did make a nice change to the taste. I had a few boiled potatoes and a mix of vegetables (onion, green beans, red pepper, chilli pepper, garlic and carrots) sliced and put on a baking tray. I salted them and added black pepper, thyme, oregano and smoked paprika as well as a couple of slices of lemon and the rest of the lemon juice. It was all really nice and tasty as well as filling.
I did think about having a gin and tonic tonight but I decided on a coffee instead, which I'm about to make. I'll have some alcohol after refeed. I'll probably have one of my Belgian beers as at 10.5% just the one will probably put me on my back as I haven;t had any booze in 2012 yet.
Thankfully the light-headed spells seem to have passed now so I guess my body just tok a while to adjust to the diet changes as I was guessing.
Oh, and my mother-in-law didn't have a heart attack after all, apparently her heart was just beating really slowly (20bpm) so she had an emergency op to have a pacemaker fitted and she should be out of hospital sometime tomorrow.