Mrs Jeffery's weight loss mission

Woo hoo 'smashed' my 5k time by a 'whopping' 30 seconds! Most people could run 3x5k in the time I do mine but I don't care, I'm pleased even to make it the distance :) Mr J is thinking of joining some friends to do a weekly 5k run....I don't think I'm ready for that but I reckon in a month or two it will be a possibility. Looking at the times online had I of done it this week I wouldn't of been the fact I would of been seventh from last which seems ok to me!

Anyway onto lunch which is going to be noodles, turkey breast strips, onions, mushrooms, peas and peppers in some kind of broth - yummy

Hope your day is going well too :)
Waiting for dinner to cook so keeping my fingers busy! Dinner is going to be salmon, potatoes, corn on the cob and a mountain of other free veg. Pudding is going to be a fresh fruit salad - mango, raspberries, kiwi with 1/2 a sin of choc shot MMmmMMmm

Just bought the choc shot after reading so much about it on various sw friendly places, hope it's nice :)

I've been umming and ahhing this evening about buying a Jawbone Up ....does anybody else have one? I really want a reliable pedometer and these look pretty cool but are they just a waste of money? I don't really need the sleep function side of it.

I need to get back to school so I have less time on my hands - spending too much money and clearly spending too much time posting on here!
Busy day so far as been in school all morning trying to get my classroom organised for next week, getting there but still stuff todo before the kids arrive on Wednesday. TD days Monday and Tuesday so will stay late after those to get things done.

Food has gone like this:

Breakfast: weetabix and milk
Lunch: jacket potato, span hoops, lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes and ham (2ish syns for butter)
snack: Alpen lemon drizzle, raspberries and mango

Tonight I think we are going out to the cinema and dinner so I'll probably choose Nandos - any good Nando suggestions?
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Went to Nandos -- I had butterfly chicken (no skin) spicy rice, side salad and halloumi. Obviously would of been better without the halloumi but I love that too much! Diet coke to drink.

Then we went to the cinema to watch Lucy....I'm still digesting the film......'twas odd! No snacks at the cinema which is becoming the norm, surprising how easy it is to break some very naughty habits.

I think all in all today has been ok....tomorrow I'll make more time for the treadmill.

Hope everyone else is doing ok....this is beginning to feel like I'm talking to myself, kind of odd but kind of nice at the same time.....
Good morning everyone :)

Two days til school and I've been up working for a bit....when will I learn to do it at the start of the holidays!

Breakfast: weetabix and milk with raspberries for an exotic weekend addition!! with a cup of green tea.

Not sure on the rest if the day - kind of thinking about sw carbonara for dinner tonight but undecided yet.

Happy Saturday folks :)
Another day nearly done.

lunch was noodles, mushrooms and peppers
snack was an apple
dinner was sw carbonara but without any cheese and extra veg
snacks tonight will probably be some kind of fruit salad and maybe an Alpen light bar.

'Ran' 5k again today and knocked nearly another minute off my time :)

Also bought a jawbone up today - hoping it's going to be another tool to keep me motivated :)

Hope you are all having a good day :)
Last day of the summer holidays :-(

Breakfast - good old weetabix, milk and raspberries

Going to play doubles badminton with Mr J and some friends in a bit which is a fun way to get some body magic :)

Scales were not nice this morning when will I learn to KEEP OFF them! I kinda think I might not be eating enough syns? Does anyone else find they lose better when they eat all of them? It doesn't make sense to me, if I am eating well and exercising a sensible amount surely I should lose weight? Is eating more syns really going to make it better? Opinions ion this most welcome!
Last day of the summer holidays :-(

Breakfast - good old weetabix, milk and raspberries

Going to play doubles badminton with Mr J and some friends in a bit which is a fun way to get some body magic :)

Scales were not nice this morning when will I learn to KEEP OFF them! I kinda think I might not be eating enough syns? Does anyone else find they lose better when they eat all of them? It doesn't make sense to me, if I am eating well and exercising a sensible amount surely I should lose weight? Is eating more syns really going to make it better? Opinions ion this most welcome!

I know it's hard to believe, but eating all your syns works. Weeks when I don't have them all my losses are quite small yet when I have them all I get big losses. They're there to be used so use em, go have some chocolate or something ;)
I've taken your advice Kally and there is a curly wurly with my name in it currently chilling in the freezer :)

Badminton was good fun, it's getting so much easier the fitter I am getting. Was a late late lunch of a stir fry beef strip salad, with lettuce, rocket, tomatoes, cucumber and peppers. Was delicious and much needed!

Snacks have been an apple and a banana and have drunk two cups of green tea and copious amounts of sf squash.

Dinner tonight is in and it's chicken, sw wedges and broccoli, carrots and corn on the cob. Followed by fruit salad and then assuming I have room the curly wurly :)

currently on the stove is the start of some kind of sweet potato soup for tomorrow's lunch - don't have a recipe but have so far chucked in sweet potatoes, carrots, onions and's a work in progress!

Im trying to to figure out how to upload a picture so if there is one underneath it's my lunch, if there isn't then just know it looked yummy haha


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Hi, it sounds like you're doing great! :) . Very weird with the weight gain/weight loss but also very good news for you lol. I dread to think how much I've gained this week.

I love all the weight loss programmes, they're so inspiring.

I find that using my syns helps with losses. It's something to do with your body trying to hold on to calories if it doesn't get enough, or something like that :-/ lol xx
I've taken your advice Kally and there is a curly wurly with my name in it currently chilling in the freezer :)

Badminton was good fun, it's getting so much easier the fitter I am getting. Was a late late lunch of a stir fry beef strip salad, with lettuce, rocket, tomatoes, cucumber and peppers. Was delicious and much needed!

Snacks have been an apple and a banana and have drunk two cups of green tea and copious amounts of sf squash.

Dinner tonight is in and it's chicken, sw wedges and broccoli, carrots and corn on the cob. Followed by fruit salad and then assuming I have room the curly wurly :)

currently on the stove is the start of some kind of sweet potato soup for tomorrow's lunch - don't have a recipe but have so far chucked in sweet potatoes, carrots, onions and's a work in progress!

Im trying to to figure out how to upload a picture so if there is one underneath it's my lunch, if there isn't then just know it looked yummy haha

Ah hope you enjoyed your curly wurly, they're lush frozen! food sounds gorgeous :) x
Thanks for the messages :) curly wurly was yummy....jus what I needed last night :)
Are you back from holiday now miataiblue? I think you did really well even sticking to the plan some of the time, it's soooooo hard when you're away.

So first day back at school and I'm already stressed and up to my eyeballs with work and the kids aren't even back yet!

Tried my best with food today

Breakfast: weetabix, milk and raspberries
Snack: two apples and an Alpen light (3.5)
Lunch: my actually quite nice tasting sweet potato and carrot soup

When I left school at five I was starving! And had to go to tesco, bad mix. In the car on the way home I munched on some wafer thin chicken from the shopping :-/ then still hungry when I go in so had a snack pack of cinnamon Graham's which I think are about 5.5 syns

Dinner was gammon steak with fat cut off, broccoli, carrots and cauliflower rice (which actually was pretty yum) then about 2 syns worth of cheese sauce.

SYns are defo up today! Going to have to watch that as I get back into school.
If I'm peckish later I still have some mango in the fridge which I can munch on.

I suppose not too bad a day for the first day back to reality.....goodness knows what the weigh in tomorrow will bring!!
Thanks kazrace, sticking to syns seemed to get harder as the week went on. It's easy enough to eat out once in a while and stick to syns but every night was a bit much and yesterday was just a complete blowout lol. Yes, we're back home now so it will be much easier although the mums from school want to meet for breakfast on Thursday for a catch up and we usually go to McDonald's a it's near school so I don't quite know what I'm going to do there.

Your food sounds and looks great :) xx
I think weight loss in some kind of bubble would be much easier.....adding other people and social events makes things much harder doesn't it! McDonald's sounds would be hard for me to not have a strawberry milkshake, I dread to think how many syns they are!

Weigh in today, my scales this morning have been most favourable but anything could happen by 7:30 tonight! Plan is to get back from school about 6, have a moments peace and then actually walk to weigh in. I don't think it will take long, probably about 30mins? Will have to wait an see how knackered I am after our training today :) my UP has challenged me to 7151 steps today which seems doable.....

so far breakfast - weetabix and milk ( creature if habit or what!)

have a a good day all - especially Tuesday weighers
So back from weigh in - annoyed! Lost 3lb which is fab but just half a pound away from that elusive first stone. I guess for all the holiday shenanigans I really should just be grateful. Never happy!

Food today is minimal....
lunch: second load of the random homemade soup, 2 apples and a banana
dinner: unweighed bowl of bran flakes after weigh in :) wow what a treat :)

got so much work to do tonight but i am in tomorrow...gulp.
I think weight loss in some kind of bubble would be much easier.....adding other people and social events makes things much harder doesn't it! McDonald's sounds would be hard for me to not have a strawberry milkshake, I dread to think how many syns they are!

It definitely would! If I could live like a hermit until I got to target then I'm sure I'd be fine lol. I've had a look at syns for m's breakfast menu and I think I'm going to have a bagel with light philli and a cup of tea. I'll use my syns up but I'll just plan syn free food for the rest of the day. I can't believe a coffee is 4.5 syns! I think the milkshakes were around 20 syns for medium and 25 for large!

3lbs is fantastic but I know how you feel being half a pound from an award, it's so frustrating lol. Good luck for tomorrow! I bet the kids are hard to settle the first day back, I know mine are xx
Thanks for the message miataiblue, how did you get on in McDonald's?

School was good today, nice to get the kids back and my promotion was announced - why I'm taking on extra responsibility and stress I don't know?!

Food has has been pretty boring and basic but on plan

Breakfast: weetabix and milk (hea heb)
Lunch: pathetic 1% mug shot which I drank kinda cold as a busy lunch time slipped away!
Snacks: Alpen light bar, banana and an apple (3.5 syns?)
Dinner: homemade Shepard's pie with not much lean mince and a shed load of carrots and mushrooms with broccoli and cauliflower on the side (gravy/sauce 2 syns)
Snack: curly wurly (6 syns?)

Not a bad food day but not inspiring either.....also haven't managed to get back on the treadmill yet this week, all my hard work improving my fitness is going to go out of the window if I'm not careful but just don't feel like I have much time....excuses excuses.....
I'm supposed to be facing the dreaded M's tomorrow but I think I've changed my mind about the bagel as when I use my syns early on I find myself thinking about what I can't have for the rest if the day lol. I've made some pâté to have on toast before I go and and then I'll take some fruit to munch on and syn a coffee.

Congratulations on your promotion!! :) xx
Sounds like you had a good plan for maccy d's :) hope it worked!

School has been manic today, I have so many different roles now I don't know if I'm coming or going!

Food has been ok.

Breakfast: weetabix and milk
lunch: left over Shepard's pie
snack: Aplen light and a small/tiny banana! (3.5 syns)
Dinner: chicken, noodles, peppers and mushrooms in a chicken stock type sauce oh and a corn on the cob with a smidge of butter! (2 syns)
snack: cherries with chic shot (1/2 syn)

Was due on my period yesterday but as yet hard not to look into these things, I'm not really very 'regular' so I'm sure it's on it's way! Can't help but think....what if it isn't......eek.....
Hi there, I have just been reading through most of your diary. I am a serial weigher always. I am lucky I think because I get weighed in the morning around 9.30. Therefore when I get dressed and weigh myself it is as I would be in class. So I can usually see how it is going. When I was weighed in the evening I would weigh myself before dinner time as we do vary so much during the day.

Good luck with your next weigh in it will be great to get over that stone.