Silver Member
Laura_carlburgess said:Hey. How has your weekend been? I have been absolutely terrible dreading my next wi already eek. Could do with a couple of really good weeks because of our holiday coming up so am going to try and be good all week and detox from all snacky syns during the week (ie sugary sweet snacks, chocolate and crisps) so only use syns in cooking meals etc and only stick too my 10 syns on the weekend so will have some chocolate then.
How did your meeting go with your boss and your sw pizza/beer? I need to try and do this pizza but never get around too it in case I fluff it up. Xx
Hello! The meeting went ok,.I still don't know for sure what is happening but feel a not better about the whole situation...basically he tells me that I may have to move to a ward...and I don't want to, I like where I am!
I had a great food day on sat...blueberry pancakes...key lime pie!! Don't feel guilty at all. I tried to be fairly good on Fri night, wasn't brilliant but remained in control sort of!
I am sure u will be fine at WI! Don't feel guilty about your treat days! :-( you need them!