Mrs Potters Food Diary

8th of September


B: wmeal roll + Kerry lowlow (heb + 0.5 syns) 2x boiled eggs. Banana. Coffee (part hea)

L: oh god I am so full as a write this, think I went a bit over board today: king prawns with bachelors curry rice (the stuff pretty much the same as the savory rice only curry. Don't know about syns on this, it isn't anywhere on the forum. I know the savory rice is free. Anyone know about this one?) + salad. THEN
I had a bowl of strawberries, blueberries, grapes and raspberries with FF yog. Had to get my SF in heh heh ;-)

To be continued...

M&S rice crispie bit at work (2.5 syns)
Gym after work
Will say 4 syns for the rice just to be safe
D: Leftover cottage pie with brocolli (1.5)
Edit! Twirl bites 10 syns
Syns: 8
Syns: 18
Total for week: 105.5
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Friday 9th September

A new food week and WI day.
STS happy days :)
Think today will be EE, might have a Chinese takeaway tonight

B: Coffee, crunchy bran (hea, heb) strawberries, blueberries, raspberries + banana
L. Plan: HM carrot and parsnip soup, pasta pot shot
D: maybe king prawn chow main or chicken curry with boiled rice. Hmmm decisions...ha ha its 9:45 am and I am already thinking about my dinner
Hi gem! Sorry I've been AWOL for so long! Sounds like you're doing well. Well done on the new scales. Glad you enjoyed fright night. Are you getting used to the new uniform?! And mmmmm scone sounds lovely!! Xxx
julesm said:
Hi gem! Sorry I've been AWOL for so long! Sounds like you're doing well. Well done on the new scales. Glad you enjoyed fright night. Are you getting used to the new uniform?! And mmmmm scone sounds lovely!! Xxx

Hey Jules!

Dont worry! You are super busy at the mo! You seem to be finding your feet well with your new class, glad u like them! I am almost used to the new uniform. A lot of the older nurses are quite angry about it, saying they worked hard for it and now look like a cleaner lol. I don't mind it, and its pretty comfy. The pen thing is a bit irritating though!

Fright night was pretty good indeed! Have you seen it? I love a good scare, although scary films ain't for everyone!

You making anything tasty this weekend? I'm doing fajitas tonight and pancakes tomorrow! Your Apple buns looked great by the way Xxx
Sat 10th September

The hubs2b talked me into Indian last night and for the first time ever I don't feel guilty about it. Was going to go for the dhansak as Low in syn but he really wanted tikka masala as first tried it a couple of months back and is obsessed! So I split that with him (14.5 syns) and had boiled rice, and made my own SW chips!
Yesterdays syns then:
Will say 15
Syns left: 90
Saturday 10th continued

Never got my diary up yesterday so here is is:

Body combat
Brunch: French toast with 2x quorn sausages + ketchup (2x heb + 3 syns)
D: quorn fajitas with 2 x wmeal tortillas (11 syns), cheese (hea), creme fresh + salsa (4 syns)

Then hubs2b and I went to a friends house for movie night where I nibbled. Damn nibbles, kept control tho..had some skittles, lttle popcorn, a few starbursts...will say 15 syns to be safe
Syns: 34
Total: 49
Leaves: 56
Gem_bear said:
Hey Jules!

Dont worry! You are super busy at the mo! You seem to be finding your feet well with your new class, glad u like them! I am almost used to the new uniform. A lot of the older nurses are quite angry about it, saying they worked hard for it and now look like a cleaner lol. I don't mind it, and its pretty comfy. The pen thing is a bit irritating though!

Fright night was pretty good indeed! Have you seen it? I love a good scare, although scary films ain't for everyone!

You making anything tasty this weekend? I'm doing fajitas tonight and pancakes tomorrow! Your Apple buns looked great by the way Xxx

Thanks Gem! Haha glad you're getting used to the uniform! I haven't seen fright night but was thinking I might go and see it but my bf doesn't like scary films much (he is a wimp). I've made lots of stuff this weekend- including raspberry tiramisu! Mmm! Fajitas and pancakes sound great, are we going to see pics? X
Sunday 11th September

As requested Jules!

Last nights Fajitas and this mornings pancakes!

Brunch:HM blueberry pancakes with bananas, strawberries and some golden syrup (need to syn this)
Someone else on the forum worked out the syns for this recipe for me. I counted the milk as a HEA and had a 3rd of the recipe (hubs2b is a fatso and eats the rest lol). Works out at 11 syns + syrup

D: Roast chicken dinner with gravy (1 syn), potatoes, carrots,brocolli, peas and parsnips

Edit: Golden syrup: 2 syns
63 used
42 left

Edit:.Oooh Ben n jerrys choc fudge brownie frozen yogurt is AMAZING! 15 syns worth consumed...oops ;-)

Oh, also forgot to have a heb so had a bit of toast (heb) with flora light (0.5 syns)

78.5 syns!
26.5 left for week


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Monday 12th September


B: weetabix minis, strawberries, blueberries, coffee (heb1 hea1)
L: HM pot and carrot soup. Wmeal roll (heb2), banana, grapes, muller light (0.5 syns)
D: omlette SW chips and beans. This is a firm favourite of mine! Love it!

Edit: snack: alpen light (part heb3)

79 syns
26 left for week
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julesm said:
Ooooh yeah! They look ace! How did you make the pancakes? X

Oh its just a simple pancake recipe! I'll put it up tomo for you Xxx
Tuesday 13th September


B: boiled egg + wmeal roll, flora light, coffee (1 syn, part hea1) banana
L: cheese salad wmeal roll with el mayo (heb2, part hea 1, 0.5 syns) berries, grapes + muller light (0.5 syns)
D: broccoli and cheese pasta, SW chips, salad + wee bit of ketchup (hea 2 + 3 syns to be safe). Very carb rich I know but I couldn't resist having chips with it lol
Muller light (0.5 syns)

Syns: 5.5
85.5 syns for week so far
20.5 left


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Wednesday 13th September

B: 2 x wmeal toast with kerry low low + boiled egg. Smidge of jam (heb 1+2, 1.5 syns. Banana
L:HM chicken broth that i made from sundays roast left overs. Not sure about syns because this had a very thin layer of fat on it once cooled so i will go with 4 syns plus heb3. Mixed berries and muller light (0.5 syns)

D: Left over SW brocolli and cheese pasta bake with SW chips and salad. Ketchup (1 syn)

Syns today:7
13.5 left for tomorrow
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Friday 15th September


B: 2x boiled egg, 2 x wmeal toast, Kerry low low marg. Coffee (heb, part hea + 6 syns)
L: left over cheese + broc pasta, mixed berries, chopped banana + muller light (part hea + 0.5 syns)

D: Maggie so juicey chicken, mushrooms, carrots, peas + veg (3 syns). Muller light (0.5 syns)

Syns: 10
Syns used in total this week: 101.5
Extra HEB's used twice, thought it was more than that but can't see it anywhere. Probably a good thing as I feel I nave gorged a bit this week. Hoping for a STS tomorrow.

Deposit down on chair covers today, such a boring rubbish wedding task, can't say I spent a lot of time on this one so hopefully that won't come back and bite me in the ass! Next is getting my makeup guy confirmed. I can't believe this time next year I will have been married 8 months!

The other night I had a dream (nightmare rather): mum phoned me the morning of the wedding refusing to come because she hated her outfit. Then I got so drunk I couldn't remember any of the wedding. Then I realised I had married the wrong groom!! It's wasn't my monkey man it was my ex! I then spent the rest of the dream confused and devastated trying to find my actual groom. When I eventually got him on the phone he told me where to go for marrying someone else! Talk about an anxiety dream ha ha!
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Friday 16th September

STS this morning. Don't know if its a good thing that my scales are so detailed. They tell u percentages of water, muscle mass, bone and fat. So I end up analysing everything!

I am a bit of a dipstick but does anyone know, is it ounces in pounds? And if so how many? These are creeping up slowly. Altho my muscle mass has risen too. This is going to be bad for me, I can tell!
Friday 16th September continued


B: weetabix minis, strawberries + banana. Coffee (heb1, hea1)
L: annoying today. I had to take an early breakfast break at work which meant I wouldn't get another meal for about 6 hours so obviously was starving by 1pm... nibbled on some choc (6 syns) and managed to scoff down another banana) to tie me over til lunch. Then had some pasta n sauce (part hea2 + 0.5syns)

D: meat free burgers (1 syn + heb2) + SW wedges. Ketchup and light mayo (2 syns)

Syns today: 10.5
Saturday 17th September

Body combat this morning followed by
Pancakes with Bacon, syrup, strawberries, raspberries + muller light (19.5).

Syned the milk and bacon as think I will have a green day with HM veg pizza tonight which will use 2 x heas 2 x hebs + SW wedges + some el mayo (1 syn). Can't wait. Love my weekend food!

Projected synage today: 21.5
Total used: 32/105 syns
Leaving 73
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Sunday 18th September

Thought i would post up a couple of things.

Last nights Quorn and veg pizza and todays baking fun: Britmums Blueberry (but i used raspberries) muffins. 3.5 syns each.

Also cooking Britmums yummy beef lasagna which i will post later. Hoping it will be a delicious as it looks in the oven at the moment!


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