ProPoints Mrs-s honeymoon diet diary

Done something stupid!!! I bought ww chips.. Old points on them! Didn't realise thought I had 4pp worth actually had 10pp! :/ massive dent in weeklys :(
So dinner, 1/2 chicken breast, half fat mozzarella, BBQ sauce, 2 wraps and micro chips is 18pp got 4left then for something later :)
Wednesday 20th July

Breakfast -
Strawberry shape yoghurt 2pp
Banana 0pp

Lunch -
Chicken cheese and salad wrap 6pp

Snacks -
Caramel coffee 2pp
2 Jaffa cakes 2pp
Clementine 0pp
Melon chunks 0pp

Dinner -
2 BBQ chicken wraps with tsp of sour cream on each and half fat mozzarella and micro chips 20pp

Dailys 32/34 (will have latte later to make up)
Weeklys 0/49 = 10/49
activity points earned 0/16 (in pain after workout yesterday!)

Another good day :) I'm doing well! :) xx
Well done you! You've done great I really want 3lb loss this week but I don't think it's gunna happen! Might sneaky weigh tomorrow morning! xx
Hope so! Not goin out for 2 weekends as my mates are on hols! When theyre back I'll trust myself to have a drink and not blow it!
Just had a ripple (oh got it me from shop naughty!) and a caramel latte 7pp so new totals are

Daily 39/34
Weekly 5/49 = 15/49

Still doin well and been good all day and resisted so a little treat does no harm!
Jemmalb said:
Iv bin out every weekend apart from 1 n have still lost, had a BBQ on my diet n second week as well! Xx

That's what I love with ww you really can have anything you want if your sensible x
It were gorgeous not had one for ages! Gunna go sit outside now n drink my latte while I have my nighttime fag lol x