MrsBurgundy's diet, dramas and diary entries!!

I'm definitely NOT bored!!! I LOVE weddings, if you hadn't guessed?!? Haha!!!

OH does know about the wedding book, and I'm frequently referring to our wedding, tho not sure he knows how much detail it goes into!

I hadn't thought about how much we post, but guess we are pretty frequent!!!! Either way, 24 hrs felt like ages, so glad to be back!!!

Going to try prawn curry for dinner, can't wait!!!

How's ur evening going?! Xxx
Of course!!! Will send some pics etc when I get to work!! Can't do it on my phone!!! Hehe!! Xxx
Good morning!!! How is everyone!!! Had my lovely weetabix again for morning, and quite enjoying them!! Although went to have a banana and they were all soggy and blah, so no fruit for me this morning! Ooops!!

Anyway, as promised: here is some of my current "plans" for wedding!!!! Hahaha!!

This is the church:


This is (possibly) the dress, (although the one i wanted is no longer available, so this is likely to change as i search more thoroughly!!)

For the reception, it will be either here or here

The bridesmaids will be in these dresses

Whilst the pageboys will be in something similar to this

And sadly, the cake that i want is no longer showing, as they company are updating their website!! But it's 4 squares stacked on each other, with ivory and burgundy flowers cascading down!! I have a seperate photo, will add it after i think!!!

Anything else you'd like to know?!?! Hahahaha!!!

Hope you're ok!? Just been rushed off my feet at work, as we have a sales pitch in 15 minutes, and spent the last 3 hours shopping, preparing and setting up! Only just sat down properly!!!

Love and hugs!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
As promised, the cake!!!

Though i'd want some diamante ribbon or something to make it more sparkly!!! Hehe! x


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Also - i may have completely forgotten to mention, but I BOOKED MY FLIGHTS TO JORDAN!!! WOOOH! So happy!!
Its mine and OH's 1st holiday together!! Can't wait!! Technically he booked them on his card, cos he's a darling and i don't get paid till the end of the month!!! Really can't wait though!!

I think for those 8 days i shall likely "abandon" common sense and eat what the family eats!! (We're staying with a friend of ours, that lived above OH at uni!!! So would be rude to get her to adapt traditional cooking!!)

So excited i could burst!!! HAHHAHAHA!!! xxxx
Love them all! WOW - you are going for a big expensive wedding then. I'm just too tight to part with that kind of cash (and have no family help).

Yes - there are loads of details you have missed out :D. How many bridesmaids, menu, what time, evening do, number of guests, favours, cars....
Love them all! WOW - you are going for a big expensive wedding then. I'm just too tight to part with that kind of cash (and have no family help).

Yes - there are loads of details you have missed out :D. How many bridesmaids, menu, what time, evening do, number of guests, favours, cars....

Hahahaha!!!!! I didn't intend for it to be a massive thing - but i want the photos to be amazing (I'm a huge fan of photos as mementos for posterity etc) and i only plan on getting married once, and want it to be memorable!!!! I do, however, have a lot of family to help, plus i'll be saving for a good few years, as will my folks, and my OH is a saver by nature, so we'll figure it out!! I'm sure OH will rein me in a bit when he sees my plans!! Hahaha!! I'm still thoroughly chuffed that i found a beautiful Catholic Church!!!! It was my quest for a long time!!! :)

To answers your questions (which made me giggle!!)
I have no idea how many bridesmaids!! My best friend will definintely be maid of honour, and i have 3 nieces and 2 god-daughters which are all possibiities, but it depends on when the wedding is - if it isn't for a few years, i could have more nieces!!!!
My son will definitely be pageboy, and most likely my 2 nephews!!
Ushers will be my brother, my male best mate and either Tom's brother or best friend. The Best Man will be either Toms best friend or brother (It's a little hard to work out, cos when doing the table plan, the best man sits at the top table, but as his gf isn't bridesmaid, she can't sit with him, so would be better/more convenient if it were his brother!! (But that's entirely OH's choice!)

No idea what time the wedding will be, but most likely an afternoon, although with it having to be a Catholic Mass, i'm almost certain it's a morning ceremony. But will find that out at the time!! Either way, will work it out!!!

No idea about the menu - both venues have their own catering, with menu tasting sessions thrown in, so will do that. But most likely traditional fare (Soup to start, roast for main, chessecake or ice cream to finish, with coffees and mints)

Current guest list is 58 to daytime, and about 120 to evening, but i'm remembering people to add all the time!!! (And yes, you're on the list!! haha!)

No idea about favours yet - thats one thing i've not though about!! We both love vintage/retro stuff, my OH loves trains, I love shabby chic stuff, and a week after meeting we played the "game of life" and was "married" off as there were too many players, so had to play as a would like some kinda "game" theme, perhaps dice chocolates or monopoly money place cards or something "fun". (Which, incidentally, is where the wedding date comes from!! I thought it would be nice for our Real wedding day to be on the day of our game wedding day - which gives us either Sat 12th July 2014, or 2025!!!! So i'm hoping the first!! Failing that, i'll have to not have that date!!!:sigh:)

And regarding the car - i have no idea!! That's OH's domain entirely!! Will be something old and classic, without a doubt!!!! xxxxxx
Just thought i'd better update quickly!! Lost 2lb this evening, which is great as i'm now under 200lbs!! (Hate using lb normally, but now i'm under 200 i dont feel so bad!!!)
Still no shiny's for me, but gonna work on getting my bronze body magic ASAP!! Need to get back with the dvd!!

Off to bed i go, need an early night *looks at watch* Ooops, missed that then!! Lol!
Yipee!!!! That is another fab loss!! Looks highly likely that you will get your first shiny next week. I got mine in my third week, too.

With Zumba and everything you could probably get your silver at the same time as your bronze!

Have a great day!
Good morning!!! Thanks!!! Wasn't sure what to expect when I got on the scales, but I'm happy!! Need to read up on body magic!! Not entirely sure what each level consists of! My C surprised me when she said she didn't need to see my fit logs, just tell her when I want it!!!

I think the stair running at work helps quite a bit!! Will get back to shredding tomorrow!!!

What times your WI?! Love and hugs?! Xxxx

45 mins per week (spread over at least 3 sessions) maintained for 4 weeks


6 x 15 mins or 3 x 30 mins per week maintained for 4 weeks


10 x 15 mins or 5 x 30 mins per week maintained for 8 weeks


Two consecutive gold awards

I think I must have my silver award by now? I dunno. I will start over with you!
Oooh, thanks!! I think i could possibly get bromze and silver at the same time!! With the walking 1hr everyday, zumba twice a week (2hrs), and wii fit (30mins)/dvd (20 mins)/swimming (1hr), i'm definitely doing the minimum in a week!!

We shall keep a log, although don't want to wait 4 weeks for them!!!

PS LOVE your new sig!! Blue is a good look!! :p xxx
Thanks I like the blue, too!

Whilst I remember. The lines on fridgegraph. I think I understand what you were talking about now.

Your own graph uses GREEN as the points and lines. Your friends/other challengers lines are BLUE.

I have loads of little lines because I WI there daily - in contrast yours are longer because you WI weekly.

I may try and encourage more people from here to join so we can do bigger challenges in the future. Maybe in a month or so...I would like to be below the 'hump' on my line then for some reason!
Aaaah - that makes sense about the fridge graph - i couldn't work out why yours looked so different, buy makes sense about the daily and weekly WI!! I tried to encourage my friends to sign up - will try again!! My best friend and her work colleague are doing WW, and i managed to convince my work mate/boss to sign up last week, so will see if she can join too!!!!

Oooh - suppose i'd better do a diary - been a bit lax in that dept of late!!!

Was a weird sort of morning!!
Had 1/4 pot of greek style natural yogurt, which was lovely, but then realised that i had to syn it!! Had saved my HEX's cos was going to try scan bran, but totally forgot all about them till now, and want to save the cottaeg cheese for my lunch, so who knows what i'll do!!

Thus far though:

Breakfast: 125ml Co-op Greek Style Natural Yogurt (6 to be safe!!)

Snack:Some pineapple and a Peach Activia FF Snackpot

Lunch: Jacket Potato filled with cottage cheese and pineapple, with side salad and cous cous (0.5)!!

Snack: Strawberries and quark probably!!

Dinner: Chicken and veg (courtesy of mum!! So hopefully no syns!!)

Liquids: So far, just coffee

Syns: 6.5
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Lol!! I don't mind if you write here!! Just been trying to work out how many syns i have a week, and realise i've been letting the diary down a bit, not keeping it up to date with what i'm eating, so gotta remember to stick to it!!!

I need to do some meal plans as well!! Though (as i keep saying) i want to try superspeed soup!! Maybe today, but unlikely, as i have zumba this evening!!
Do you do Zumba more than once a week or is time going very fast for me?

I am getting a bit rubbish with my diary (you are much better than me!). I prefer a simple handwritten one kept in the kitchen but I am relying on my memory too much now! I have made today very simple for myself though - no syns left, no HeB left!

I made a very simple modified version of the proper one (I am not writing down free stuff now!) last week - I think I could do with modifying it further and making it better. Might be something to do now!

Enjoy Zumba!
Good afternoon!!!!!!!

I have Zumba twice a week hon!! Mondays and Thursdays!!! I really enjoy it, and it's such a good workout - it's more like learning to dance, than working out, which is probably why it's so fun!! More like a party than a gym routine!!

Lately i've been relying on my memory, but it has let me down a few times, so back to writing it on here!!! Helps me more than a paper one, as it's something the whole world can see (if they chose to) so less inclined to eat rubbish!!! Hehehe!!

So, for todays:

Breakfast: 2 x weetabix with skimmed milk (part A)

Snack: Peas in pods

Lunch: Jacket potato with cottage cheese & pineapple, BGTY cous cous (0.5) and salad, Quark and strawberries

Snack: Activia Snackpot (Strawberry)

Dinner: ?????

Liquids: Coffee (part a)

Syns: 0.5