Well done on your nearly 2 pounds off! Whoop! :clap:
Scales are ridiculously fickle things. I always put mine in exactly the same spot on the kitchen floor (no good putting scales on carpet) and only take the first reading (unless it's something I'm not expecting to see!).
I've now had 2 weeks where I lost lots by only managing 2 successful DDs - okay, both of those were week 1 type scenarios and I've got a lot more to lose than you, but still... I'm not convinced that double DD is a great idea. Though it might be for you.
I mean, LOL, I did 5 and half months of DDs once when I was doing Cambridge and lost 5 and half stones
- but in the context of JUDDD, I'm wondering whether it might be counterproductive.
I'm a great believer in the swing between UDs and DDs - I think it's confusing the hell out of my body and keeping my metabolism going at a much higher rate than usual! Two down days together means that you'll be practically fasting for 60 hours (if you don't eat after say 8.00pm on the previous UD and don't start the next UD until 8.00am. From what I've read, the "putting your body into famine slow down mode" happens around the 40 hour mark. It's also quite stressful on the body. VLCDs work because the calorie deficit even during metabolic slow down is still enough to make you shift 2-3 pounds a week (more if you're heavier).
So what am I saying? Ermm...
I'm not sure whether doing 2 DDs together is necessary - I think that's what I'm saying. If that means that weigh in falls the day after an UD, there's no reason why you can't wait to weigh in until after the next DD to get the true picture.
Feel free to ignore me completely though - this all just my thinking and I'm happy for anyone and everyone to disagree. I just think (after years of battling with my weight and trying to stick to a plan) that there's no need to make doing JUDDD harder than it ought to be. I'm also influenced to a degree by what I've read about Intermittent Fasting - where some folks say that doing only one fasting day a week is enough to effect weight loss (so long as you don't go nuts on the other days - if you're going to go nuts, have 2-3 fasting days a week, etc