Mrschatterbox...the road to a size 10 ...or even a 12 hehe

Aaaaw thank you Jaxmummy.
Have had a few hectic days at home with the 3 little pigs. I think i'm on day 18 now..woah!

Am feeling slightly hungry tonight..have just had my 4th shake and am planning on going to bust some zzzz's.
I hope i wake up and the hunger feeling has gone...not felt like this since the first few days..hmm??!?!
Day 20!!!

Urgh, yesterday was AWFUL!!!!!!! I was completely STARVING! God knows how i managed to resist opeing the infact god knows how i resisted phoning for a takeaway. I had three shakes, and could not only hear but almost feel my tummy rubling away. Anyhoo, i managed to go to bed, woke feeling better.. have had a bit of an emotional day, and now, again am hungry..Just had a 3rd shake..might have a 4th...god i hope monday's WI is good... if it's another shitty loss then i'll have to start something else...after a few days of junk! OMG, i must stop thinking this way.... someone please cyber slap me or something!!
Consider yourself cyber slapped!!!!
I have been feeling very emotional too Hun I think it is deffo this cd! Jay has been an angel for putting up with me I have been up and down and last night told him to bugger off and find somewhere else to live poor lad!
I have been good but I must admit I haven't been drinking enough! If I have a crap loss it's because if that, I just forget to drink I've never been a great drinker anyway well not of juice or water wine yes, I can drink 4 pints of wine easy but 4 pints if water and I have no chance!
I have been and bought new underwear asda specials! There's no pint in spending a fortune until I'm at goal and have been for a while, I've seen some lovely things about for summer too I will be slimmer at summer! God I'm hungry tonight I think I will have a brew and then head up to bed, we were going to watch kings speech but will leave it until tomorrow, think I need to make things up to Jay seeing as though I treated him like crap and he bought me a iPad today!
Hope your all well and happy this weekend xxx
Lol...i bloody needed that slap!
I've only lost 2lbs...was ever so gutted so turned to a burger..BIG MISTAKE!! Feel even worse now.... am getting back on it 2mrw. Gonna get some zzzzz's in a bit after corri...fingers crossed i'm better 2mrw. xx
I've been 100% today and actually been ok. I admitted that i was on this diet to a good mate... she was so shocked i told her i was 17stone 5lbs ...she thought i was 13 ish..omg i was so happy lol! I also noticed that my size 16 leggings have started falling down when i walk...i had to pull them up a few times, I was so happy haha.Have decided that nothing is going to stop me now from getting to my goal... I'm sooooooooooooo going to do this!! Dug out my pictures from like 8 years ago when i did some modelling... the first time i'd ever shown my son and he didn't believe it was me... :( bearing in mind that he's only 4...i told him i would get like that again to which he replied ''mummy you have to do your diet so you can be little again''lmao bless him. Am so blessed to have such support from hubby, my cdc is amazing and of course u girlies are a godsend for me right now...

Ooooh i tried a couple of bars..peanut and the chocolate one... couldn't believe it but chocci one really wasn't for tasted like cat...not that i've ever eaten cat but the smell of wet, ok i shut up now..peanut one YUMMMMMY, i was so good with it too, i chopped it up and had bits every few hours..quite filling actually!
Anyway, am now off to shop online...not for me YET...ufff poor hubby when i get to goal, his visa will be in my handbag :).. shopping for kids.
Ciao xxx
Your post sounds like the old mrs c! I'm so grilled you have got the determination and yes you will get back to being little! Here is a god send and I've not been on the past day or two and I think that's why I had a blip earlier, so I am committing to coming on every evening, oh and I started that shred DVD omg!!!! I'm too big still right now to do it, can heave myself into some of those things you have to do, and my sciatica is playing up, just wanted to say well done you and keep up the good work will be checking in with you xxx
Oh no hon...i get sciattica it's awful!!! I hope it gets better chick!! You had a blip?? Thats not like you..i'll go read up ur diary. Was worried that you'd not posted for a few days glad ur ok oh and thanks for being there for me mwaaaaaaaaah! xxx
Hi honey...i'm fine thanks doll how are you feeling now??? Am back on facebook too yeeeee :)

OMG, today has been a tough old day...stressssss or WHAT!! Hubby works 12 hours 4 days a week and my three little monstors just lurvvv to test my patience when it's just me..tmi alet but they even poo at the same time...both babies still in nappies so it's one change after the other and my 4 yr old happily shouts ''mum i've finished just as i clean the first, grrrrrrrrrr!! Anyway enough of the '****' it's been a long day...coughs, runny noses, fights, screaming, teething, more fighting and screaming.... yawwwn

I soooo wanted to eat dinner with the family today...i kinda accidently put a tiny bit of potatoe waffle in my gob... (god i hope my cdc isn't reading this lol).. i felt sooo guilty so had one shake after another..had 4 today :( in bed now, on facebook but am soon to nod off..night folks xx
Just been weighed and i've not lost a thing nor gained a thing... hmmm, bit weird seen as i have eaten nearly everyday this week?!! Anyway, i am a tad confused about how my scales are different from my CDC... mine show 4lb loss, hers show same as last week!?!?!?!
Am now focused, back on track...I'mma do this even if it kills me, 100%, not cheating, not even licking chocolate fingers haha.

Everyone seems to have noticed how i'm losing weight, why aren't i??? Must say i feel better walking about the streets of stockport..ahem... Off for some retail therepy now...make up and shoes me thinks xx
Hi Hun I try not to weigh myself at home now coz there both different! Mine are crap ones though and I asked my CDC were she got hers from, she told me and then jthe price... They cost her £250! Omg I will just go by hers as mine were about £20 ! ...try be good this week Hun we can do it together, if your back on facebook re add me it's angela rawstorne xx hope your having a good day Hun Amber is a tad better eating now so should be back to normal in no time xxxxx
Angela honey ur still on my fb woman lol...i only deactivated, i didn't delete anyone, esp not u my monday WI buddy!! :)
Glad Amber is better. Yes i think i'll go by my CDC's scales cause mine were only £15 lol, plus she does tell me off for going on mine.
Oi mrs how's you?
Hope alls good? How you doing with cd this week?
Aaah thanks for checking on me ladies, i needed time away from the net...dont ask why cause i have no idea i just always wanted to eat when i'm on minimins... Since that day i broke my diet i've constantly messed up HOWEVER am now back on day 5 of 100% and have done ever so well...although i was very tempted to pig out last night...i didn't, just went to bed at like 8pm lol. So i get weighed today... will update when i'm back xx
Omg I've lost 8lbs in five days!! Buzzing!!

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Hehe thanks honey..i wasn't expecting it to b so much...very pleased though/ xx
Wow you!!!! You must have stuck to it this week Hun! So pleased for you I'm back on Monday so will be keeping an eye on you virtually'! So pleased Hun xxx
Great loss, well done