Thanks hon!
So its the end of day four on low carb high fat. I have been eating fruit such as apples, plums and still had a couple of bananas.had tons and tons of veg. Today I has chicken in the griddle pan with asparagus and veg.
Fell really good.....and yes ladies I am in the so solid crew and its not constipation.whooop to the poo success story.
I may retitle my diary "all I talk about is poo, food, sick, elf and the mother in law".
But the last low carb gave me serious constipation.I assume its the crazy veg amounts.
Tomorrow I plan on having more griddled chicken, it was amazing .
My treat is white buttons and a g and t. On Sunday we will probobly go for food, fish and chips is my choice

and its possibly the "cleanest"food.
I know alcohol is not allowed but I like a g n t.
Today elf got stuck face down in her toy box. Bum in the air, toes dangling while she made a "muuuuuhhhh" noise. I found it hysterical she did not. Then for a laugh I stuck a sticker on her toes -after rescue from box- to see if she could get it off. She won by kicking me in the face to get it off.
Ps quiche. Egg pie or tasty treat?
My vote - egg pie