Smoomoo I try not to eat sweetener with it being the stuff of the devil.
I only know the strawberry ones have 1syn
Hi giggly, good luck with the journey
I am in a bad mood.only lost half a pound. And I had a massive poo before hand.
To some that is TMI but quite frankly I couldn't give a ****. We all know it's the truth, a poo before weigh in makes you think your deffo going to loose.
But my bad mood stems from the fricking bint who is always behind me in the scaleS. I SWEAR she waits just to gloat. Today the elf through a absolute fit when I got weighed. Full on wobbler, sobbed, broke her heart for the full 1 second I sat her on the floor to get weighed. One second. I picked her up immediately and she said
"ooooo Hugo never got upset like that. He was always emotionally intelligent.
Have you lost this week? !"
Oh **** off
I wanted to reply. I actually muttered it.
And in typical bad mooded me style I walked out in a huff. Only at myself for not losing more than half a pound. And then skulked back in to buy a magazine as I forgot. Always the way.
After walking six miles a day I definitely deserve more than a half. But I got weighed at the doctors this week and was the lightest I have been on their records for over 12 months so I'm trying to stay positive.
I'm going to get elf to throw up near Hugo next week and run off so people think it was her perfect child lol.