Day 35 continued...Day 35
I should really get out of bed! It's 10am but I can't be bothered moving! No plans for today, and no idea what to have to eat. Went shopping yesterday so the fridge is fullThe eldest is at my mums and the other half is at work so it's just me and the little one today!
Hope everyone is having a good weekend.x
Mum2Two said:Hadl86; Do yu think you would benefit from adding the exante packs into your daily food intake? Or do you think if you can stick to WW 100% for a week and lose some weight, you'll find it easier to stick to it because you've lost weight? If you don't manage on WW, could you do the opposite to what I've done, and wean yourself off WW onto Exante to get the kick start you may need, then do a couple of weeks to a month or so and then wean yourself back off again? Sorry for all the questions! Lol!x
Lol! At SW there is a 'Slimmer of the Week' is there something similar in WW? You would win every week if you did exante and WW! Hehe! Do you know why you cheat? Why you don't stick to it 100%? Sorry for all the questions. I've realised through exante that I eat crap because I'm bored, have nothing to do, because everyone else is eating and because I feel like I need it even though I don't. I've started doing more to stop me thinking about food which I think has really helped, and being on exante helped me not eat when others were. I think that is why I'm doing as well as I am on SW!Hi sorry, hadn't seen ur reply. I think I'll try to do ww 100% then use exante as a detox if weight loss slows. Maybe for a weekend otherwise ww leader would have a fit if I lost loads,lol. Well done with sw xo
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Dinner was 2 sausages, 2 turkey rashers, scrambled egg and a slice of toast, followed by a pack of snack a jacks and an alpen bar!Day 36 continued
Breakfast this morning was bitesize shredded(sp) wheat with semi-skimmed milk. Lunch was the same as dinner last night, so cajun chicken and chinese style stir-fry with egg noodles.
Been busy busy busy today tidying for our BBQ next weekend if the weather is nice. Felt really dizzy so I had half of the other half's easter egg! Sshh
Mum2Two said:Lol! At SW there is a 'Slimmer of the Week' is there something similar in WW? You would win every week if you did exante and WW! Hehe! Do you know why you cheat? Why you don't stick to it 100%? Sorry for all the questions. I've realised through exante that I eat crap because I'm bored, have nothing to do, because everyone else is eating and because I feel like I need it even though I don't. I've started doing more to stop me thinking about food which I think has really helped, and being on exante helped me not eat when others were. I think that is why I'm doing as well as I am on SW!x