Mummy wants to be a YummyBride =] 14 Weeks To Go!

You're doing fab hunni! Keep going!! You're my inspiration.

I have a diary's in the Xenical section....I don't know how to move it....I will prob start another one soon in the CD section ...... maybe keep the two running and just copy and paste.

Good luck this week! Hope you lose lots on Wednesday's WI.

Franbella - I've been looking for your diary for inspiration / to give support but I cant find it in the CD diary section??

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yummy its in the main forum called my journey im just going to update now so look out for it hun. ym! your doing great im going to have ss + meal today as been to body pump :) hope your all ok x
DAY 41
Yeh Fran has to be difficult and have hers in a different part of the forum! Still confuses me and I write on it most days!

Well sad day today. I had to cancel my gym membership. Hopefully I can take it back up nearer the wedding but its £58 a month for both of us and we don't have time to go. Im gonna try go to the classes soon as you don't have to be a member but its the same thing - trying to get someone to come round and sit for 2 hours whilst Josh is in bed.

On the plus side I did sit ups for the first time in years and got through 100! Can feel it now though! Really struggled with water this week, think its cos I've not been measuring - just filling up my glass. Could effect weight loss but I went to Tesco and bought lots of bottled stuff so atleast I can measure it out next week.

Went to give notice of marriage today so that was a HUGE treck round town because I went to the wrong bloody building! Found a wedding dress shop next to the office and its gorgeous! And they have a sale rail! Shoes on sale for £5, I was so tempted but the heel was tiny so will wait to get my dress first.

Been craving cheese - joked that I should probs buy the cheese and brocolli soup and drink it to put myself off it - until I remembered I read somewhere that they discontinued it haha...

Anyhoo im off to watch some Glee!
ello hun! lol at you and cheese but dont even go there with the cheese and brocoli soup it tastes like feet lmao!

i really should get my diary moved ha ha i am a awkward cow.sad news bout the gym but there is lots of stuff you can do for toning hun like the situps christ i can just about do 10 let alone 100 u nutter!!
DAY 42
Went docs this morning for lump on my knee - feels like a bruise but no marks and its been there for months, turns out its a torn cartilage. Not sure how I've done that lol. Nothing much he can do as its not causing pain whilst walking or anything - just gotta see if it gets better.

Well I have a very grumpy teething baby today so no baby group. I wouldnt contemplate torturing anyone else with his high pitched screaming. He's amusing himself by pulling all the dvds off the shelf, might take him to the park if he cheers up.

On the exercise front I get my photo taken tomorrow and then again in 2 weeks time so gonna do 100 sit ups everyday and see if theres a difference in the 2 weeks photos. I'll make sure I wear the same clothes aswell. My legs are overly muscly from years of sports and running about at work so probs won't need to do much more there and then its just my arms - gonna borrow some weights off my step dad. There little ones that you can add bits on so hopefully will make a difference!

Hope everyone is enjoying the nice weather!
oi now missus its still a loss and youve had massive losses every week so your body has to catch up at some point and at least you know why! so keep downing the water!

its still a loss hunny! im not that posistive for my wi tom tbh but as long as its a loss im happy with that! so chin up!
DAY 44
Went to the pub last night - had water. Well one bottle then they bloody ran out. Offered me tap water and it was rank. Made me excuses and cam home and watched Desperate Housewives. Fell asleep for all of about 20 minutes and Bambino woke me up. He screamed all night until 6am this morning then fell asleep til 8.

Knackered is an understatement. I seriously don't know how i've managed to get to the afternoon without dropping asleep somewhere. I ppray to god he sleeps tonight because I think I might just crack up.

Had an SS+ meal at sometime last night, god knows what time but I was starving. I vaguely remember measuring it out lol. Still woke up hungry.

Keeping the water up well only had 1L so far since 8 but drank quite a bit during the night. Had my tetra this morning and gonna have my hot choc this afternoon cos its freezing so might warm me up a bit then pick at my bar this evening.

This better be worth it. Last night was my first real test. Normally I would of been ok. Well I would of eaten at the pub then had my best friend food to keep my company during the early hours this morning. Today has been the first day I've really though 'F**k it, just eat it will make you feel better theres always tomorrow' but I've made it to 2pm so Im sure I can last until bedtime - I hope!
babe chin up!! ive had days like that if you get through today you will feel so much better tom! lack of sleep is a killer and its prob only cos your tired that your thinking this x
Come on hunni you can do it!! It IS worth it! Think of yourself in that wedding dress and on your honeymoon and as a sexy MILF! Xx
That sounds like a good plan, think i may do the same.
Hope you get good nights kip tonight x x
DAY 45
Have any of you been on the CD actual forum? God talk about taking it seriously. It makes me laugh though - they probably think sniffing food is a form of cheating. One person got told because they had ONE SS+ meal on there like 9th week then maybe they should rethink the plan there on. Right mate!

Anyhoo - HE SLEPT! Not until like 10pm last night but he slept til 8.30. He's crying for a nap again already so think today might be a toughy!

Managed a mammouth amount of water yesterday - 6L but that was because I was up for most of it lol. Gonna aim for my normal 4l today. Going out tonight so hopefully they don't run out of water again otherwise I will not be impressed!

Plus I bought a dress months and months ago from Tesco in a non stretchy 16 and it fits! Like nicely fits. So think I'll wear that tonight - if I can find shoes. I was meant to wear it a couple of weeks ago but didnt so might of wrote about it already!

Still can't get into the sz 16's from Lime which are smaller than the 14's from Next - can't get into those either. Atleast I wont be struggling for jeans in a few stones time! Will try them again in 2 weeks and see if there any closer to fastening lol!

Wow, you've been doing amazingly. And I am so touched you mentioned me being missing (I think it was me you meant?! lol). It's made me feel even more like I want to go back onto CD and join in again :)

I can't believe how much weight everyone is losing. You must be feeling great!

Add me on fb if you want? Kerry Chamberlain, profile pic is me with my horse. Similar pic to the one in my signature. xxx
Yes it was you we were on about! Good to see your back!

Well ladies - tonight Im going out...and Im going to get drunk! I've decided. Im looking forward to it now. Im gonna have a sandwhich and get ready =]

Will be back tomorrow onn SS!
Haha! Well at least you made a conscious contains the least carbs ;)
yay kez we were wandering where you had gone woman!! hope you had a good nite? sometimes you just gotta let your hair down come off plan and have fun!!!!! ive been on that forum its hilarious its like life or death lmao.
Well im back. I drank..and drank and drank. So much I literally could not of fitted in a kebab not matter how much I wanted one!

Then yesterday started well! Until about 9pm when the buffet came out at the party lol. I picked my way through quiche, scotch eggs, sandwhichs - near enough everything. I didnt have any dessert or cake though - not that it makes it much better.

But its nearly 6pm now and I've defo not eaten anything I shouldnt have today. The rest of this week is gonna be minimising the damage done and getting back into ketosis. Expecting a gain but ohwell it was good fun!
hello hun whens wi? is it wed? think your always a day ahead of me. you will lose what you gained thats if you gain atall babe.this diet has to work around you and not vice versa hun and you gotta have a treat now and then! i do :) and somehow it works for me.

im back on track today after a bad weekend, so we will enter haleketosis together :)