Vixy, can I be honest with you?? Please do check your present weight now. If you find it difficult to check it yourself, you should do what I did when I was at my highest weight. I bought a digital scale when I first started the SS (this is my second attempt, in case you don't know) and hopped onto it, and asked my hubby to check my weight and record it somewhere but not tell me the weight. I was a whopping 90kg (almost 200lb) when I first checked my starting weight. Of course, I never knew it at that time, because my hubby was the one who had checked it for me. I also told my CDC not to tell me my weight until I wanted to know. And you know what? The weekly losses inspired me to keep going. When I began to get raving complements about my looks, my curiosity got the better of me, and I decided that it was time to know my weight. I had lost 20kg! Ever since then, I have been a serial weigher.Before I knew it I had lost 25kg (55lb)! Of course, due to me going on vacation and a lot of parties, I regained about 9kg (20lb) but you know what? I am not so worried anymore, because I KNOW it is just a matter of time, before I lose that weight again...And yes, I do know that serial weighing is not good, but it helps me stay on track. But I would advise you to take a record of your starting weight, so you feel really proud about how far you have come at the end of 12 weeks...If you do not want to know your weight right now, ask someone close to you to keep a record of your starting weight, and tell them not to tell you, until you want to know...Believe me, as hard as it sounds, you should do it....I've been there...and I know that this is what will truly drive you down the successful path, and motivate you to achieve your weight loss goals...all you need to know are the weekly losses, not your weight...until you decide that it is time for you to know....Come on babe, you can do this!! Trust will thank me for this, 12 weeks from now....
Totally agree that we need to know how much we have lost - my CDC has my start weight and has written it down. I will ask eventually when I feel better about myself.
Ive just had a blip though :cry:- made some chicken fajitasf or the boys and had a strip of chicken wrapped in a piece of lettuce. No fajita, mind but still... feel gutted...