My Atkins Diary.... here we go!

Morning Kizzie
Hope you have a great weekend :D
Hi Katie and Lady!..

Thanks for the well wishes.. wishing you all on Atkins a fabulous sugar free weekend!..

I did have an upset about an hour ago.. GGRRR...after last night being so controlled. I just ate half a brownie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... does this mean I have to start induction from scratch again?.. or will these carbs burn off again if I carry on with atkins today.. not sure how to deal with it... lots of water.. but I'm concerned that any fats I now eat today will be stored rather than burned as my body will be burning the damned sugar...

**and it made me feel really sick.. thankfully it was a 'bite' still enough to do damage...

thanks all!
One bite probably won't take you out of ketosis. Just stay on the wagon and stay away from the carbs from now on.
thanks rosebug!.. I"ve been thinking I have to start from the beginning when I slip up like that. waiting to for ketostix .. no idea when I"m in ketosis.
One bite - lots of water - stay legal no excuses. You'll be fine :)
Oh dear kizzie, i know you found it tough last time. Must be frustrating bouncing back and forth!
ah, not good then Kizzie. Morning love
Morning guys... only here for a week this time..we should leave on Friday. The moving around seriously doesn't help me. I've pretty much stayed the same weight.. which is really frustrating. I've been told by 'the powers that be'. we shouldn't have anymore trips for a while.. so I should get into a good routine in Miami..with my gym classes, private training and then my dieting..

Those pills I took a few weeks back have really screwed up my hormonal system... it's as though I'm almost 'due' every day.. so the cravings are quite bad. .. I"m holding up though.. a few setbacks..but I'm not beating myself up about it.. I'm climbing back on again..

I was actually going to 'quit' for a while until I could get my head back in again. I also don't want to be the 'bore' on this site who keeps falling on and off all the time..but that was the initial point of my diary.. to try and keep a track of my 'ups and down's.. I'm not logging all of my emotions as they are pretty personal.. but I do want to log how hard it is for some of us to even get started.

I read somewhere that attempting any diet a second time (after success the first time around) is much harder. I wonder why that is?.. I would LOVE to do psychology regarding weight, diet and society pressures etc


Breakfast: Black coffee and splenda (x2),
1 atkins shake (not liking them so much anymore.. only drank half!)
Snack: Tuna and mayo with a celery stick.. (I LOVE celery!! not cooked though)

thanks guys!
Hi Kizzie,
hope the diary is helping you stay on track - feel free to use us however you most need it!
Thanks Katie.. you've no idea how many times these last few days here I"ve thought 'bugger it.. this is never going to be me.. I'm addicted to carbs and I can't get my head in the right place'... but then chastised myself and started again... as you'll see from my entire diary.. I keep coming back... i guess that's the main point.

Going to find something yummy for lunch..

I feel like the little train that 'could'.. I think I can I think I can.. I just need to get to "I KNOW I CAN!"
Morning Kizzie, you are not a failure unless you give up, just keep going on is all you can do love
Morning little train - you can :D
Gosh.. thanks both of you... I'm not going to give up.. I"m so glad I started this diary.. because it's the first thing I check when I log in every day.. maybe if I hadn't I wouldn't want to see how well everyone else is doing when I can't get a structure going.

Seriously.. yesterday.. I asked the family chef here (hence why I can rarely cook for myself).. for a piece of steak and some veggies but NO carrots. well .. what arrived? .. steak the size of my palm.. (which is fine).. but very thin sliced veggies.. mostly CARROTS.. with a bit of courgette and kale throughout... I picked out the c&k.. but had to leave the carrots.. I was hungry..and pissed!!.. I didn't go for the cereal in the kids cupboard *it's odd how we live here.. but basically the parents of the kids I teach live in their own wing of the estate.. the kids and nannies live in theirs.. I live in my own apartment near the kids house so spend a lot of time with the kids.. hence the access to their foods etc...

anyway back to Miami tonight... we should be there for about two weeks.. bad news we ARE back here for a few days beginning of March and again later in March... going to have to find something to get through this here....
I know it's NUTS.. I live in paradise here.. but it DOES NOT help with being on the Atkins diet where I live.. screws me up something terrible

I need a cupcake.. will have to make a Mim when I get back !..

Haven't tried them yet.. they could be my saviour!
Sounds like a great job Kizzie! Can you speak to the chef and give her/him some recipes?

You ARE the little train - zooming downhill shouting "I know I can!" :)
Morning Kizzie, happy saturday :)