Hey Susie!
Sorry I took so long to reply! All good. just a hectic holiday weekend with family gatherings.. BBQs, dinners, lunches!.. and this girl STAYED ON TRACK

. heck yeah. I was even making the garlic bread, filling hot dog buns and burger buns with ketchup and pickles. cooking up corn on the cob with butter, and serving sweet desserts. without wanting any of it.. (although the smell of the garlic bread cooking drove me wild! had to make a batch of garlic butter to melt onto my cooked veggies! ha! lovely)…
So a great day of eating Sunday
Breakfast: scrambled egg with a giant portobello mushroom
Lunch: roast pork with 1/2 avocado
Snack: pork rinds with dip
Dinner: roast lamb, with broccoli cheese, white cabbage cooked with rosemary and served with a drizzle of melted butter
Dessert: Fake Irish Coffee : Coffee, vanilla extract, sweetener, topped with heavy cream! LOVELY
Played "Billionaire, Newmarket and Gin Rummy' with my family.. Gambled with a family size bag of hershey's almond kisses!.. didn't eat even one!

.. hurrah.. so I munched on a couple of my low carb coconut.almond, chocolate chip cookies
Breakfast: poached eggs and bacon
Dinner/lunch: BBQ burger, ribs, salad,
Dessert: Sugar Free trifle! …. sf Jelly *I had chopped white peaches and blackberry's. My parents ate the fruit, I just had the jelly part, with home made low carb custard (eggs, cream, vanilla and sweetener) and Whipped cream with grated SF chocolate on the top.. YUM
Tuesday: *Back to school
Breakfast: Sliced roast pork
Lunch: Roast beef, home made coleslaw (white cabbage, spring onions, mayo and a drizzle of Nando's mild sauce
Dinner: One quarter slice of crustless quiche and some leftover cold lamb
Dessert: Needed a chocolate fix, had an Atkins Caramel Chew.. with a half can of pepsi max! (eek! must have been after yesterday's indulgences)
Water: half a liter. NOT GOOD ENOUGH
Frame of mind: MOTIVATED!!.. although, VERY STRESSED, trying to stay in control of this one thing in my life!!..
Checking in again tomorrow

.. It's the time of the month from tomorrow onwards.. so I'll be feeling like hell and craving everything that even remotely resembles a carb.. let's see how THIS willpower pays off!