I've started writing a book.. of sorts... kind of like life as a sugar addict .. the similarities of being any other kind of drug addict, alcohol, cocaine etc... THe way being an addict alienates you from society...how being an addict starts off with small doses until it's like a raging steam train where the need to keep the addiction a secret becomes a major part of the day, further alienating you from everyone around you as you become more and more reclusive to feed your habit. It shows how excuses become more frequent as you justify every morsel that goes into your mouth.. how you'll have many 'last days before you start your diet tomorrow'...It also shows how many days starting new diet programmes fail by the time the evening comes....
Sugar might not be as destructive as alcohol or drugs. but it certainly is as destructive to the soul.. waking up the next morning after a sugar/carbs binge and feeling that regret, and even suffering a sugar hangover... there are similarities...
**It's something to read when I"m feeling low and weak.. and want to justify my trip to the supermarket or corner store to buy a basket of goodies (which, I've had to justify to the check out girl, or people in line that the goodies are for 'the kids'...because NO normal person would eat so unhealthily these days).......IF YOU'VE GOT TO DO IT IN SECRET THEN YOU SHOULDN'T BE DOING IT AT ALL..
If you have to justify yourself.. you probably shouldn't be doing it at all either...
My gym training starts again tonight.. I've been out of it for 6 weeks now... which hasn't helped.. my trainer hasn't contacted me in 2 weeks.. (since my bingeing started) and my real life has been at an all time low (with stresses upon stresses).. this was the only thing I could control.. and in a strange way I think eating 'what the heck I wanted' was my own very odd way of dealing with it..
Anyway... I think I should be getting a reward of how many times I've jumped back on the wagon.. just wish they were longer rides than just 2 weeks!.. One day at a time.. here we go. again.