(Will)PowerPuff Girl! X
Yes this is it.
Yeah it would lastmum has individual round dishes to portion it, thank you
Whoop Whoop! I'm the Portion Queen as I'm rubbish at measuring/cutting. X
Yes this is it.
Yeah it would lastmum has individual round dishes to portion it, thank you
Whoop Whoop! I'm the Portion Queen as I'm rubbish at measuring/cutting. X
Lol same tbh. I'm lucky that I have my mum doing my meals cos I'm still at home, it's when I'm out the house that's my downfall! But, I am doing better. When I go into a shop now, I don't automatically reach for the chocolateI make better choices, and with stuff portioned it's so easy to work the pp out.
Haha! Well, mum's are good like that![]()
Ahhhhh so happy tonight!!
That means overall, 10 and a half pounds lost.
Feeling pleased and determined, it's all going in the right direction.
Kelsey xxx
Thank you Everton and Serena
This week has been good I think. I find I'm thinking ahead more to what I can eat and then trying to incorporate my weeklies (which I have done today with a few cookies n cream kitkats. Oops!!)
The 2lbs loss was a real surprise tbh... Going to *try* to get into some sort of exercise regime! even if it is just walking a bit more... But I know where I am headed, and am finding everything is falling into place. Slowly but surely!
Thank you Serena.
Not been here in a little while, work has been quite stressful but it's half term now, yay!
Last weekend I was away with friends, clubbing but actually didn't drink much so saved pp there. Although I did eat a fry up the next day, followed by three Jaffa cakes :/ but I was so tired when I got in I just slept right through the night so never had dinner or anything. Sunday I was at my Nan's and I had a roast dinner and a couple of chocolates... Was back tracking on Monday and the rest of the week obviously.
Wednesday was my weigh in! Lost a pound and a half so I was really pleased! Have lost 12 in total now...
Start weight: 16st 5.5lbs
Weight now: 15st 7lbs
Long way to go but am feeling pleased![]()
haha yes I suppose I was! Half term I got a few things planned... Tomorrow my best friends have their halloween party, which looks set to be epic! Lol. Monday might be a lazy day... Then Tuesday & Wednesday I'll be up London seeing Jessie J! I'm so excited, I love her lolHey Kelsey, Well Done on your 1.5lb Loss! It sounds as tho you made fab choices/decisions even though you was clubbing, you was subconsciously doing it ;-) how are u planning on spending half term? X
haha yes I suppose I was! Half term I got a few things planned... Tomorrow my best friends have their halloween party, which looks set to be epic! Lol. Monday might be a lazy day... Then Tuesday & Wednesday I'll be up London seeing Jessie J! I'm so excited, I love her lolthat's as far as I've gotten up to... Lol. Have you many days out planned with Poppy? Xx
I'm going up there with friends but they didn't want to see her so I'll probably just get a train home or something. Ahh ok yeah, see how you feelOh Yeah! I'm such a Thicko, how could I forget about the one, the only Jessie J! Are u staying in a Hotel or with Friends? She has one amazing body, I saw her Training Pics online, what I'd do to have that body! I'm not too sure about this week if I'm honest, I've been a bit poorly with my Tummy so I haven't liked to make too many plans. Have u got your Outfit sorted for tonight? X
I'm going up there with friends but they didn't want to see her so I'll probably just get a train home or something. Ahh ok yeah, see how you feelgot my outfit all sorted for later, going all pirates of the Caribbean lol, hopefully it will look alright
I say I don't want to drink much either but we'll see what happens
I have all my weeklies left!
indeed! Lol. Ah I might post a pic later if it looks alright that isYey for Weeklies! God Bless WW! Will we get a pic of you in your Outfit? It sounds fab! X
indeed! Lol. Ah I might post a pic later if it looks alright that is![]()