Ah thank youhere is a pic as promised
Awwwww u look FAB Kelsey! Why on earth are u on WW, you look fantastic! X
Haha thanks. Aw you're too kind, I NEED to be on WW as I never want to go back to a size 22people were commenting on the night about my weight loss, but I don't see it myself yet... And saw some family yesterday for Sunday lunch - used all my daily points up I think on a huge roast dinner and apple pie with ice cream! Oh and 4 triangles of Toblerone... Lol! But it was a good weekend. I enjoyed myself
Back on to tracking today...
Weetabix - 3pp
2 teaspoons sugar - 1pp
Back onto semi skimmed milk as well... I'd say 0pp so far for that though. I might just write down everything I eat and worry less about points - been finding it hard to track lately, so just need another way of recording it.
What Size are u in now Sweetie? You looks fabHow was the party? Sunday sounds fab too, I love Toblerone, I can't believe the Mini Bars are 5pp, they are far too yummy to only be 5pp! Can u use an App on your phone for tracking? I use the one on my iPad and find it fab. X
Well I'm between an 18 and 20 I think. All my size 20 clothes are getting bigger now and I bought a size 18 fur lined parka jacket the other day and it fits perfectly! Saying that, I bought a size 16 jumper from Primark as well and that fits. So it just depends where I go lol.
Party was good thanks I did have 3 ciders and some jelly shotsAhh never knew that about the mini Toblerone bars! Good to know
Yeah I have the app on my iPhone but sometimes I just forget to track lol. Xx
Maybe set yourself an alarm?!? I buy the Mini Bars in Poundland, 4 Bars for £1Although they are on Rollback in Asda for £1 too
x Clothes Shopping irritates me, there isn't just a uniform size!!! X
Ah good idea lol. Ooh good to knowI may pop to the shops today, although v windy here. Yeah, exactly! Hard when you're losing weight as well, like its easy once you reach your goal weight/size but inbetween it's really difficult
I used to buy quite a bit in the charity shops to just tide me over, I was going to go into town myself but the sky is VERY grey so think I will give it a miss!!! X
Yeah, I think I just need a new top for seeing Jessie J tomorrowand a belt for my jeans lol. Ah it's sunny here, almost like the 'storm' never happened! Lol
Erm no idea lol, just something pretty and loose-ish. Gonna get hot in the arena no doubt lol. Will keep everyone posted... I'm currently starving, waiting for my lunchOooooo any idea what sort of top u want? X
Erm no idea lol, just something pretty and loose-ish. Gonna get hot in the arena no doubt lol. Will keep everyone posted... I'm currently starving, waiting for my lunch![]()
What did you have? Did you go out to get a Top and/or belt? X
I had a brown roll, filled with egg mayonnaise. A few crisps, and a mini sausage rollworked out roughly to be 9/10pp
I went out but couldn't find anything I really likedso I've managed to find one of my nice summer tops I had in my wardrobe and got my outfit sorted for Wednesday as well. Was only a quick trip out as the rain decided to pour down!
Treated myself to a Cadbury's scream egg for 5pp as well, and pork stir fry tonight with lots of veggies! Love stir frys. No idea what to eat tomorrow/wed though, as I'll be travelling. Need a filling breakfast and lunch! Xx
Your lunch sounds yummy! I love a good Roll ;-) Im glad u got your Outfit sorted without having to spend, we got caught in a Storm lol! I had Stir-Fry Saturday/Sunday with my Reductions, so yummy! X Could you have an Omelette for Brekkie? That always fills me up? X PS-Are Scream Eggs the same as Creme Eggs? X
Yeah didn't want to spend too much lol. Yeah I saw your pic - it looked yummy!
Hm I like eggs but was never really a fan of omelettes... I could have scrambled egg I suppose.
And yeah, basically. The filling is just green inside lol. X
They sound delightful ;-) Although I'm not a fan of Creme Eggs so I don't think they would ever appeal to me! I really enjoyed the Stirfry, excellent for 0pp ;-) Scrambled Eggs sounds goodx
Yeah creme eggs aren't my no.1 fave but just fancied one, odd. Lol.
Yeah, all that veg! Does it fill you up, would you not add tofu?
Ah I seeI was being Thrifty so just used the Veg and made up my own 0pp Saucex
Ah I see
0pp meals are the best haha. Mum's cooking our stir fry now and it smells delish!
I tend to help her out with buying the shopping now, seeing as I'm on a 'diet' of sorts and I always look out for the bargains. They had some veg and fruit reduced in Morrisons but it didn't look all that great :/ she's chuffed she doesn't have to cook for me for a couple of days now! Lol