I'm so happy I found you guys, I honestly don't think I could have come this far without you, you all have done so brilliantly, and showed me that it can be done! Thank you all so much :sign0168:
Had a dream last night that I ate 3 chocolates!! Was strange.. I was dreaming I had a boyfriend in prison too, but that was because I watched Strangeways before bed. And before anyone asks, it wasn't that 'Andy from Little Britain' type chap who kept telling everyone to eff off

810 just keeps getting better, I've had 2 no 2's all by myself the last 2 mornings! Go me!!

I'm in a size 10 top this morning girls

and my size 12 pants are really baggy. I managed to get the size 10 pants on that I bought yesterday, but it was a bit like the changing room scene in White Chicks where if I had exhaled there would have been buttons flying everywhere, but they were on!!
I'll get there, gotta keep going now, eyes are on the prize!!
I made DS's tea last night & rather than thinking, yum, I could just eat this I was thinking, eew. Oven chips

So that's good. I shot myself in the foot last night though, hopped on the scales cos I was feeling really bloated & they were up to 10.2!!!

Must be due on cos I got back on this morning & they were at 9.10.3/4. Need to stop the scale hopping! I was just worried I would gain or STS changing to 810, but I guess I won't know properly til Thursday night.
All these poo's I'm having have got to be doing something!
I feel like every change on this diet is fantastic, I'm enjoying having a lovely big milky shake in the morning, and the feeling cold & constipation, which were the 2 things I was struggling with doing SS+ have gone, I'm so happy!!
Have a fantastic day beautiful ladies xx