No, I didn't book time off work to go home, log onto the Tesco sale & buy tons of dresses & playsuits in a size 10, why do you ask?!!?
Weigh in day today, not expecting a big one but hey ho, I can get in most size 10's now, and all my 12's are getting big
I still find it hard to see that I've lost so much, I think I have a touch of the old body dysmorphia, seeing myself bigger, maybe it's just because CD is so damn quick! Must take a while to get used.
My weight has been of much debate at work this week, been told to put weight on, called 'Superskinny'
and when I asked for directions to the WW meeting the other day, two old fellas said 'You don't need to go to WW' with puzzled looks.
A guy from work has asked about CD & is going to contact a CDC today
And my Mum was telling all the shop assistants how well I've done & how much weight I've lost & they were all oohing & ahhing whilst I was in the changing rooms & telling me well done, lol.
It's nearly sinking in that I'm an actual sucess story.... nearly
Bring on those nights out then I can get fake tanned up & strut mah stuff :banana dancer: