Aww, you guys are amazing! Thanks lovely ladies, I don't know where I'd be without your support xx
Had a good day today, been feeling really anxious around food all week, been proper binging, like shoveling food in without even wanting it

but not over 1200 cals total for a day, skipping packs, that kind of thing. Feeling really strong impulses to eat chocolate and crap!
I feel like I've been depriving myself for so long, I was p*ssed off with having the same cottage cheese salad every day for the last 3 months almost! and that's why I've been binging, because my head is preparing for famine again and thoroughly fed up, even though I would never do CD again. Much as it has gotten me to goal and been a fantastic diet, I'm not mentally strong enough to go back! I have been enjoying my 1000 plan teas, but I hadn't had an actual 'meal' of something off plan.
So, this week I decided I would go to Starbucks today at dinner time & treat myself to a skimmed milk mocha with hazlenut syrup, a petite white choc rasperry cake & a subway sandwich, not a binge, but a treat, and allowed myself to have everything I wanted and it was amazing. I really, really enjoyed it all (not like the binges where I didn't enjoy it & felt crap after) I felt satisfied and sort of calm after, like the anxiety has gone because I'm telling myself I'm not depriving myself anymore, I can have whatever I want, as long as it's balanced with healthy food and exercise. I can go into town once a month and get whatever I want
Hopefully this feeling will stay, my head's been a bit of a mess the last few weeks and I just want to feel calm & relaxed around food as I'd been feeling worse than when I was 2 stones heavier!
Man, this head work is hard!

Hope everyone has had a good day