what did you say MOUSSE... give it to me im drinking mushroom soup as dont have much MM left... *shanny cry's LOUDLY*:cry::cry::cry:

What's going on!? The sky is green, the grass is pink, Shanny has no Mix a Mousse! That's just not right!

You need to get it sorted quick before I start to worry the apocalypse is coming!!
OMG, you were so right though, mousse is the best thing ever on CD, strawberry is orgasmic!! Best thing I've eaten in 3 weeks
So, had a ridiculously sore throat, there are all red blisters on the back of it :sigh: I had it before I started CD & it came back late last week. I've been going to bed early to get away from the pain. I've also been having diqacaine (or something) lozenges, don't know if they have carbs in, I doubt it seeing as I feel no different but I can't go without, too painful!
Been having bars for breakfast at about 8.00am, salad plus chicen/cottage cheese for dinner at 12, mousse at 4

and shake at 8. Feel brilliant doing this, not hungry and enough variation to be satisfied. Going to switch the shake & bars around though, then I can look forward to them
Had malt toffee yesterday, was nice, bit of a funky taste but reminded me of curly wurly's!
Had a bit of a downer Saturday as my Sister brought me up 2 pairs of size 12 pants & they wouldn't go anywhere near me. All my 14's are too big so I thought I was a 12 but must be a 13 :sigh:
I've been having up & down days, one day it's a breeze & I'm loving it, the next day I'm struggling & it's an internal battle. It's getting easier than it was though, on the whole.
I think I'm going to stick to plan for the 21st I'm going to next weekend, I don't really enjoy chicken legs so it's pointless to cheat for something I'm not even bothered about! It's my SO's family though and I don't want his Mother making comments as to why I'm not eating

It's going to be hard having to put up with her with no alcohol, that's for sure!
Well, have a good day guys!