My Before, During and After Thread!

wow what a fab weight loss well done hun :)x
Evening Princess :)

How's it going today? Tried any bars yet?
Hey guys! Thanks for the kind words :)

Sorry for the delay in getting back, I struggle to get on the laptop at the weekend with DS wanting to press keys, much easier Mon - Thurs when I'm in work!

I've got a new phone with a better access to this site, I can like stuff but I can't post from it so weird!

Tried the orange bar yesterday, didn't like it! Tasted like a really strongly flavoured protein bar, had a mint choc mousse though and LOVED it! It wasn't very fluffy though, maybe I should add more water?

Had a mint bar today, that was much better! Will try a strawberry mousse later!

Also, been having cauli & cottage cheese. Not exactly sold on it, lol!
what did you say MOUSSE... give it to me im drinking mushroom soup as dont have much MM left... *shanny cry's LOUDLY*:cry::cry::cry:

:eek::eek: What's going on!? The sky is green, the grass is pink, Shanny has no Mix a Mousse! That's just not right! :( You need to get it sorted quick before I start to worry the apocalypse is coming!!

OMG, you were so right though, mousse is the best thing ever on CD, strawberry is orgasmic!! Best thing I've eaten in 3 weeks :)

So, had a ridiculously sore throat, there are all red blisters on the back of it :sigh: I had it before I started CD & it came back late last week. I've been going to bed early to get away from the pain. I've also been having diqacaine (or something) lozenges, don't know if they have carbs in, I doubt it seeing as I feel no different but I can't go without, too painful!

Been having bars for breakfast at about 8.00am, salad plus chicen/cottage cheese for dinner at 12, mousse at 4 :D and shake at 8. Feel brilliant doing this, not hungry and enough variation to be satisfied. Going to switch the shake & bars around though, then I can look forward to them ;)

Had malt toffee yesterday, was nice, bit of a funky taste but reminded me of curly wurly's!

Had a bit of a downer Saturday as my Sister brought me up 2 pairs of size 12 pants & they wouldn't go anywhere near me. All my 14's are too big so I thought I was a 12 but must be a 13 :sigh:

I've been having up & down days, one day it's a breeze & I'm loving it, the next day I'm struggling & it's an internal battle. It's getting easier than it was though, on the whole.

I think I'm going to stick to plan for the 21st I'm going to next weekend, I don't really enjoy chicken legs so it's pointless to cheat for something I'm not even bothered about! It's my SO's family though and I don't want his Mother making comments as to why I'm not eating :rolleyes: It's going to be hard having to put up with her with no alcohol, that's for sure!

Well, have a good day guys!
Isn't it funny people's reactions to weight loss? Some people make a huge deal out of it & congratulate you, and others look at you when you think you can't see but never say anything to you. Lol.

I'm wavering again on the buffet. I think I will just have a couple of chicken legs & some lettuce for my SS+ meal, it's easier than explaining a million times why I'm not eating.

What's my next weight loss gonna be... eh, eh?! How long to get rid of it all! In your expert opinion!

Not done any training or come on my bike. Still feeling light headed when standing up so would not be a good idea at all I don't think.
at the buffet if you think your going to get a load of daft questions you would rather not answer then put the salad and chicken on your plate and move it round, nibble if you need to and then go plonk it down somewhere, folks will have seen you with the plate but i doubt it would register with them that you didnt eat it. if someone does query you not eating much just tell em your not feeling well, having stomach cramps etc, usually shuts em up
at the buffet if you think your going to get a load of daft questions you would rather not answer then put the salad and chicken on your plate and move it round, nibble if you need to and then go plonk it down somewhere, folks will have seen you with the plate but i doubt it would register with them that you didnt eat it. if someone does query you not eating much just tell em your not feeling well, having stomach cramps etc, usually shuts em up

Thanks for that sumayyah, isn't it ridiculous the things we have to do to maintain social standing?! Yep. That sounds like a plan. I'm certainly not going to eat if I'm not hungry for the sake of OH's family! :p
:eek::eek: What's going on!? The sky is green, the grass is pink, Shanny has no Mix a Mousse! That's just not right! :( You need to get it sorted quick before I start to worry the apocalypse is coming!!

OMG, you were so right though, mousse is the best thing ever on CD, strawberry is orgasmic!! Best thing I've eaten in 3 weeks :)

Tell me about it hun.. it's lush aint it.. that's y i miss it so much..(sad times in shanny's world) LOL:D

Had a bit of a downer Saturday as my Sister brought me up 2 pairs of size 12 pants & they wouldn't go anywhere near me. All my 14's are too big so I thought I was a 12 but must be a 13 :sigh:

where were the jeans from? what shop?
good to hear clothes are feeling small on ya.. whoop whoop:p:p
where were the jeans from? what shop?
good to hear clothes are feeling small on ya.. whoop whoop:p:p

I don't know, I didn't check! I was in too much of a hurry to get them on!!

There was a pair of black pants & a pair of black cords... :confused:

Whoop for baggy clothes! :D
Hiya! :wavey: I see you're still doing brilliantly! :happy096:


What's my next weight loss gonna be... eh, eh?!

You're going to hate me for this - and I really don't want to put a downer on things - but it's week 3 - and there's a strong chance that the scales won't move as far as you'd like. That's not because you're not losing fat - you are - but your body's going to cling to water like mad because you're losing weight so fast and it doesn't like it. It will let go of the water - but maybe not until next week, and then you'll have a bigger loss next week. So if you do 'only' get a 2 pound loss this week, keep that in mind and don't be disheartened, okay? It doesn't mean the diet's not working - it means your body's doing what it's been designed to do, and that's to keep things stable.

Then again, that might not happen this week, in which case it might happen next week instead - or it might not happen at all. :D I just think it doesn't hurt to be prepared for the possibility - and you had a fantastic loss last week, that's why I think you could be looking at a 2 pound loss this week. You'll probably lose inches even if you don't lose many pounds!

How long to get rid of it all! In your expert opinion!

Um... :D You'll be there by the second week of June or thereabouts. Certainly by the end of June. Not that I'm an expert - I'm just doing sums on my calculator. :)

at the buffet if you think your going to get a load of daft questions you would rather not answer then put the salad and chicken on your plate and move it round, nibble if you need to and then go plonk it down somewhere, folks will have seen you with the plate but i doubt it would register with them that you didnt eat it. if someone does query you not eating much just tell em your not feeling well, having stomach cramps etc, usually shuts em up

:clap: Brilliant advice. No one notices, honest. I've done that a lot!

I don't know, I didn't check! I was in too much of a hurry to get them on!!

There was a pair of black pants & a pair of black cords... :confused:

Whoop for baggy clothes! :D

Yay! :D :D :D
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i would just like to say a few things.................
firstly congratulations on your brilliant loses and staying focused.......
secondly....... i Love how supportive everyone is!!
Thirdly... LILY..... I LOVE READING EVERYTHING YOU POST!! i know i sound like a crazy stalker :) but you talk so much sense. i will look forward to all your post to keep me focused on my journey, when i start! (02/05/11) I CAN'T WAIT xxx
i would just like to say a few things.................
firstly congratulations on your brilliant loses and staying focused.......
secondly....... i Love how supportive everyone is!!
Thirdly... LILY..... I LOVE READING EVERYTHING YOU POST!! i know i sound like a crazy stalker :) but you talk so much sense. i will look forward to all your post to keep me focused on my journey, when i start! (02/05/11) I CAN'T WAIT xxx

Aww, thanks :)

That's why we all love Lily! She really is the best of the best :D
Hiya! :wavey: I see you're still doing brilliantly! :happy096:

You're going to hate me for this - and I really don't want to put a downer on things - but it's week 3 - and there's a strong chance that the scales won't move as far as you'd like. That's not because you're not losing fat - you are - but your body's going to cling to water like mad because you're losing weight so fast and it doesn't like it. It will let go of the water - but maybe not until next week, and then you'll have a bigger loss next week. So if you do 'only' get a 2 pound loss this week, keep that in mind and don't be disheartened, okay? It doesn't mean the diet's not working - it means your body's doing what it's been designed to do, and that's to keep things stable.

Then again, that might not happen this week, in which case it might happen next week instead - or it might not happen at all. :D I just think it doesn't hurt to be prepared for the possibility - and you had a fantastic loss last week, that's why I think you could be looking at a 2 pound loss this week. You'll probably lose inches even if you don't lose many pounds!

Um... :D You'll be there by the second week of June or thereabouts. Certainly by the end of June. Not that I'm an expert - I'm just doing sums on my calculator. :)

I've found my groove with it :D Feeling good to see it through to the end!! I'm really not that fussed about the bars y'know.. I know everyone goes mad for them but, eh... The peanut was nice & the mint, the chewy ones have a weird aftertaste. I'd rather have 2 mousses!! :D Getting better resisting, SO bought a garlic bread with cheese home for his tea after football, he asked if I wanted him to eat it in another room but I said no. I had a good sniff & a look. Looked & smelt nice but I didn't feel bad that I couldn't have it. I'm enjoying smelling/talking about food more now, I think that's a big step from troughing down crap!

I had 2lb in my head too, if it's lower than that so be it. It's the week 3 curse! I know I've been 100% & that's all that matters!

Would rather middle of June...:p then I can get into maintenance lol. But it will take as long as it will take, then when it's off I will be very, very careful. Me & SO are going for a meal when it's his birthday to Chiquito's (LOVE mexican!) and I plan on having 3 courses, but I'm also planning on taking half home in a doggy bag for the next day then I don't overeat! How good am I? :D

More thoughts on maintenance, LOL, I go round & round on this. I was thinking of getting some protein shake powder (whey, weight lifting stuff) for when I'm at goal & I move up to 1000 & taking a multivitamin & mineral. The calorie & carb content is the same & the protein is actually more, so I will still be getting close to what I was on CD but at 33p a portion rather than £2... Basically I can't afford to do CD forever on my measly part time wage!

I wouldn't do it now, I need my mousses & help from my CDC but when I am there, it's still sticking to the plan but cheaper. And I was planning on having protein shakes for breakfast when I finish anyway as cereal/toast is a no no. Cravings/blood sugar drops etc. I might have cereal on a Saturday & a bacon barm/peanut butter on toast on a Sunday though ;)

Then I've got my Dukan diet book back off my Mum & have been reading through, when you get to goal he recommends 1 pure protein day a week, which I reckon I could do. Along with eating whatever you want, but not OVEReating. South Beach was a bust for maintenance, waaaay too complicated!

Oh, my CDC has changed my WI day to tomorrow this week. Not sure if that's good or bad, lol.