gourmet cuisine is what i saw on the packet, ive only ever seen them in morrisons though, in the section where you see the other sachet soups.Which make are they?
ooo i have those 10 cal soups! they are quite nice considering theyre only 10 cals! ive got tomato flavour! ive had a proper crap week chic so i wouldnt worry about ur bad day! drank loads at the wknd and ate loads and have been crap ever since haha! plus totm isnt helping!xx
i havent tried the tomato ones yet but think i need to try them out.
i guess everyone has their good and bad days and having totm does mess it up alot, right now i feel as if i want to eat the biggest bar of chocolate and i dont no how to go about it! hmmm the only thing thats stopping me that the hse has no chocolate and i cant be asked to go to the shop lol.
i hope your not stressing about your bad weekend, just look back at the good times and get back on track when your ready.
as for me i'm too lazy to move from here.
hope u had a good day hun xx
If u feel like chocolate i would just have it! totm deserves it hehe! Im not actually fussed about my bad week! Im going for dinner on Friday aswell with an old friend! Im really looking forward to it! I have just reminded myself that losing weight really isnt everything. And just cus ive pigged out this week doesnt mean i cant start again next week!! hope ur okay chic, ur doing really well!xx
well i just had the mcdonalds that was bad day and ya know what i bludi loved it haaaa! Oh wellll i will get in the 9's next week ay!!theres always another day chic! xxx