lol as everyone can see i've been experimenting quite a bit with brekkie, calories and the whole lot. through my experiment i've learnt that when i eat less i drop a few pounds quickly but as soon as i up my calories i gain what i lost plus a whole lot more, so i'm going to try and eat up to about 1500-1700cals as my blood sugar levels are dropping frequently in my sleep, not safe for me as a diabetic, so as of today i'm going to be sensible about my eating habits, i'm going to try and eat lttle and frequent throughout the day then have a larger dinner to keep my blood sugar levels at bay, anyway enough of me rambling heres what i'm planning to eat today.
B - pear, mullerlight mini pots, 10 calorie soup, 100g cherry tomatoes, 30g cucumber - 140
S - alpen light bar, mullerlight mini pot - 121
L - 2x eggs, beans, quorn sausage, wholemeal nimble , mixed salad- 511
S - apple, pear 2x ryvita originals , flora light , alpen light bar - 260
D - tuna salad made with 100g cherry tomatoes, 5 romaine lettuce leaves, spring onions, followed by a large 400g potato with 10g flora light - 488
S - mullerlight before bed - 60
drinks will be diet coke and sugar free squash, i don't drink much so i'm not counting it.
exercise will be an hr's walk
total - 1536cals and 23gfat out of 70g so i havent quite hit the 1700 yet but will try tomorrow.