ProPoints My challenge to lose 10st in 15 months.

Oh no no no well yes if Dean wasn't an option but I've always preferred the big brother. It's his voice too although I've always wondered why they have different accents you'd think they would have made one of them change theirs a bit.

He's deffo a drink at the pub, burger on the way home and go hunting guy than up early for the gym and muesli for breakfast but he does have fantastic skin. Real life would hit him hard I think he'd look more like Bobby if he actually led that lifestyle lol xx
Oh no no no well yes if Dean wasn't an option but I've always preferred the big brother. It's his voice too although I've always wondered why they have different accents you'd think they would have made one of them change theirs a bit.

He's deffo a drink at the pub, burger on the way home and go hunting guy than up early for the gym and muesli for breakfast but he does have fantastic skin. Real life would hit him hard I think he'd look more like Bobby if he actually led that lifestyle lol xx

He does have a lovely voice, true! I still find it odd that Sam's bigger, at the start when he was baby-faced it was fine but I was watching it the other day going "You look older than him now, come on!"

I always find it funny when Sam goes running, like yeah I'm about to possibly get my head cut off but gotta work on my health! :p
There are angels and demons everywhere, my parents are dead because of really freaky evil sh!t and I want to go clear my head with a jog. Um not a chance haha I love that they make a thing about Sams size though and the names he gets called because of it. I've got a mate called Moose but he looks nothing like Sam although weirdly he is probably more famous in some circles xx
There are angels and demons everywhere, my parents are dead because of really freaky evil sh!t and I want to go clear my head with a jog. Um not a chance haha I love that they make a thing about Sams size though and the names he gets called because of it. I've got a mate called Moose but he looks nothing like Sam although weirdly he is probably more famous in some circles xx

I found an amazing website that does SPN shirts a few months ago and one had a picture of a Moose with a speech bubble of "I lost my shoe"!

More famous than JP? Ooh!
He's a special one, I've found lots of good stuff on Ebay before now but nothing as funky as that.

Depends on what kind of music you like I guess but if you're a Bullet For My Valentine fan then my mate Moose is probably more up your street than the Winchester kind he's their drummer xx
He's a special one, I've found lots of good stuff on Ebay before now but nothing as funky as that.

Depends on what kind of music you like I guess but if you're a Bullet For My Valentine fan then my mate Moose is probably more up your street than the Winchester kind he's their drummer xx

I'm not massively, but Steve is, I've heard their stuff though and have a couple of songs on my ipod! Cool! Is he massively tall then to have the nickname Moose?
No far from it he's about my height maybe an inch or two taller. No idea where his nickname came from actually. His brothers is Shiner but that's because he slipped when his parents were putting in a new kitchen and banged his nose ending up two black eyes. None of the band are tall really apart from Matt but he's a total douche lol I'm not hugely into them either I only like the odd song but they've done well considering where they've come from. No stage school for them lot xx
Morning all from a very cold and wet Wales. It's been raining so much that I've actually started wanting to see some snow just for a change. Why does the cold always make me feel so hungry? I've had breakfast and a banana but today I'm fancying stodge :/

Today's plan for food is looking like this...

Breakfast - Oat so simple and a cup of tea

Lunch - Ham salad sarnie

Dinner - No idea yet but fancying a some rice and prawns mixed together with some broccoli and splash of soy sauce for added yumminess.
I am the same and want to eat when it is cold, there is snow here today. I should go and make a nice pot of soup but because I am going away tomorrow I am not going to bother as I like to make enough for me for 2 days as nobody else will eat it, they can't see past Heinz tomato soup. :rolleyes:

last Night I had Spag Bol so tonight I am having the left over Bol with baked potato and salad. I always struggle to think what to make myself as my kids are right fuss pots and so is my other half. x
Food looks good sweet, but doesn't look like a lot? Are you sure you've got enough food planned?
I am the same and want to eat when it is cold, there is snow here today. I should go and make a nice pot of soup but because I am going away tomorrow I am not going to bother as I like to make enough for me for 2 days as nobody else will eat it, they can't see past Heinz tomato soup. :rolleyes:

last Night I had Spag Bol so tonight I am having the left over Bol with baked potato and salad. I always struggle to think what to make myself as my kids are right fuss pots and so is my other half. x

I did soup yesterday but didn't do a huge batch. Used loads of veg up though and even ate celery which I haven't eaten since I was little and threw up when my dad made me try some lol Our kids are fussy, my son more than my step daughter but my other half will eat pretty much anything so I'm lucky with that one x
Food looks good sweet, but doesn't look like a lot? Are you sure you've got enough food planned?

My portion of rice will be a nice big one don't worry with plenty of prawns and I had some choccy digestives with a cuppa for my lunchtime treat so the points are there :) Not often someone will tell me I'm not eating enough I must be getting into this dieting malarkey ;) xx
My portion of rice will be a nice big one don't worry with plenty of prawns and I had some choccy digestives with a cuppa for my lunchtime treat so the points are there :) Not often someone will tell me I'm not eating enough I must be getting into this dieting malarkey ;) xx

You're doing so so good, you'll be at target before I am!
I wish! I just want another loss on Monday to keep me on that downward road. My knee is dodgy again today but I think I know what I'm doing to it. It's the way I sit at my desk I reckon so I need to keep reminding myself to put it out straight not keep tucking it under and to the side of me. Waiting for the freezer that is the conservatory to come back to a more normal temperature then I can start using the multigym again to help my losses xx
I wish! I just want another loss on Monday to keep me on that downward road. My knee is dodgy again today but I think I know what I'm doing to it. It's the way I sit at my desk I reckon so I need to keep reminding myself to put it out straight not keep tucking it under and to the side of me. Waiting for the freezer that is the conservatory to come back to a more normal temperature then I can start using the multigym again to help my losses xx

How do you sleep? I always found my knees were worse if I slept with them curled. Still sounds like a twist, bloomin' painful! You have my full sympathy.
Is it freezing till Summer?
Morning all from a very cold and wet Wales. It's been raining so much that I've actually started wanting to see some snow just for a change. Why does the cold always make me feel so hungry? I've had breakfast and a banana but today I'm fancying stodge :/ Today's plan for food is looking like this... Breakfast - Oat so simple and a cup of tea Lunch - Ham salad sarnie Dinner - No idea yet but fancying a some rice and prawns mixed together with some broccoli and splash of soy sauce for added yumminess.

I'm exactly the same! Cold Dark Evenings mean 'proper' dinners are needed! X
With one knee bent yep the one that's hurting. Not much I can do about that apart from try and keep it straight as I'm dropping off but I'm gutted we don't have a downstairs loo this week. The conservatory is okay if we get a day of sun but it's been so cloudy I could keep milk out there just as well as in the fridge even with the heating on. Can't stay cold forever though spring isn't too long away :) xx
I'm exactly the same! Cold Dark Evenings mean 'proper' dinners are needed! X

I've been good all day so my dinner is changing to oven chips and a chicken chargrill. Not too bad in points and it will feel like real comfort food x
I've been good all day so my dinner is changing to oven chips and a chicken chargrill. Not too bad in points and it will feel like real comfort food x

That sounds like a brill idea! Naughty but Not! X
Happy Monday everyone. Confession time...I've been totally offplan since Friday night and have gained a whopping 3lb! I've just been thinking about how long I've been on mini's and joined about a year and a week ago weighing 1st 12lb less than I do now. So in theory I've been trying to diet for a year and have actually gained weight at roughly the rate of half a pound a week on average over that time.

I'm going to make an appointment at the docs to try and get some help because clearly I'm not doing very well at this at all. Realising those stats makes me feel utter poop and makes me wish I lived somewhere in England where I could get the weight loss surgery I've wanted for the last 5 years. Can't get it here because I'm not ill enough (yet) even though in the last 5 years I've gained 6 stone and had I had the surgery I would probably have been at my ideal weight for around 2 years by now. Not sure what the doc will suggest as I've tried weight loss meds and they didn't help me lose much at all. Feel really at the end of my tether today and very low :(