my christmas challenge

well i can honestly tell you that ive no idea nor do i care what weight i am today as i am dying with a cold in bed and the thought of physically getting up and weighig myself is just meh. started my juice/smoothie detox today and suppose it couldnt be at a better time as im getting loads of vitamins and the thought of food is also meh.

heres my breakfast one today, its very filling still slugging it back.

3 pineapple slices
handful of cranberries
1 medium banana
handful of broccoli
orange juice

quite nice, bitter sweet but still tasty. nasty colour though.
yayyyyy!!!! today i am 13'12 so very very ahppy. have a bad dose of the flu but im still eating. just eating loads of fruit veg and homemade soup.

day 1 mon 24th -14'7
day 2 tues 25th -14'4
day 3 wed 26th- 14'2
day 4 thur 27th- 14'1.5
day 5 fri 28th- 14'1.5
day 6 sat 29th- 14'.5
day 7 sun 30th- 14
day 8 mon 1st- 14
day 9 tues 2nd- 14
day 10 wed 3rd- 14
day 11 thur 4th- 14
day 12 fri 5th- 14
day 13 sat 6th- 14
day 14 sun 7th- 13'13
day 15 mon 8th- 13'12
stil 13'12 so happy enough. didnt drink aload of water the past few days so have a litre here in front of me. ate more fruit and verg yesterday that one could imagine to dose myself with vitamins and i feel so much better today or i wouldnt be up and showered at this hour!!!

all my house are going to a gourmet burger restaurant this thurs for a christmas get together so im planning ahead, burger with no cheese, no wheat and if im really up for treatiing myself ill have sweet potato fries with the salad and burger. its this organic place and is much better for you than most burgers. im not denying myself things anymore, im just being wise about what i choose. im also preparing for my boyfriends family whom we are visitng on sat because his mom has more choc in the house that a candy store! apart form a cup of tea on its own i wont be having anything.

really pushing to lose twelve pounds now for xmas but we'll see. either way im nearly ten pounds down so im happy.
ok today i am 13'10 so am very happy but my time of month is due tomorrow and as im sure you ladies know weight goes mad around then. this month im trying my best to tackle pms eating as i always go mad so ive decided to concentrate on that and not weigh myself until tuesday morning. my scales are cheap and even though they read the same in my mams house, i prefer them because they are clearer so i am throwing out my ones today and when i head hom monday night, i will do a weigh in tuesday morning and let you all know how im getting on.

happy xmas to all. thanks for the help. jan xxx
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Well done, i see that ur bmi's droppin ;) I just realised that when i weight in work im weight all my cloths including my work shirt, tie belt etc, and obviously the cloths i wear in a thursday to work vary so its not that accurate, so ive decided im gonna change my ticker to my weight in i do at home every sunday in my boxers lol, how do u weight in? x
hehehe just weighed myself and im 14'3!!! :O which is no surprise but you know something i dont care. i feel great and i am optimistic about the new year and reaching my goal of 11 stone! no more yoyo dieting. im am starting a detow on thursday to clear my system and i bringing in the new jan!!! cant wait for 2009 very excited. bought all my gym gear, paid for jan and february and im ready to roll! bring it! :D

this is my last post on this challenge. weight gained over xmas is alot but im sooo happy right now with my life that i dont care.

bring on 2009!!!!!!