My Countdown - 20 Weeks to go!

My calfs hurt! Went to step aerobics this evening and remembered very quickly why I don't do it. My ankles hurt soo bad! The outside muscles on my ankles are very weak, a combination of tearing the ligament in one of them a few years back, being overweight, horse riding for years and I walk on the outsides of my feet. Have very high arches! But it means when doing lots of moves where my weight is shifting from side to side, my ankles can't support me. Side stepping us a killer, let alone onto a box while twisting and jumping. Going to buy a couple if supports to see if they help.

Anyway, apart from my ankles feeling like jelly and actually giving out a couple of times, I was quite chuffed how I did. I kept up with everyone else and didn't have to stop at all. Lots did, but oh my god how red in the face was I? I looked purple at one point! I'm sure everyone else thought I was going to have a heart attack.

Have booked in for Kick It on Thursday, which they say is like tae no, which I love!

Anyway, my only news is that I dyed my hair Sunday night, figured the greys were all to prominent again, but thought for the summer I'd go back to my natural brown instead of red, which when the sun gets on it goes Ginger.

So I dyed it with clairol dark brown and it come out black! And I mean proper jet black! Looked awful, wasn't even nice and sleek, just lank and dull.

Luckily somebody at work mentioned some hair dye remover that they had used when a similar thing happened. It's got Jo peroxide or ammonia in it, so figured hopefully my hair wouldn't fall out?!

Have just used it and it is amazing! My hair is back to the colour it was pre the brown/black incident. I think in the morning in the light and once completely dry it is going to be a kittle bit too orange/copper for me, but you can dye straight after using the product so I can dye it again if needs be.

Very relieved! Even though it's smells very sulphury and I keep thinking the dogs farted then realising it's my hair.

Diet wise, I'm maintaining, but starting to get annoyed with myself now and I'm only 7 lbs off being in the 16's again. Want to crack on and stop sabotaging myself.

Off to download the beck book type app you've all mentioned. Night x
cornishkez said:
Anyway, apart from my ankles feeling like jelly and actually giving out a couple of times, I was quite chuffed how I did. I kept up with everyone else and didn't have to stop at all. Lots did, but oh my god how red in the face was I? I looked purple at one point! I'm sure everyone else thought I was going to have a heart attack.

Off to download the beck book type app you've all mentioned. Night x

Well done on the class! Whoever said purple wasn't a healthy face colour?!?!

What's the app? I've not heard about it.
It's 100 Days of Weightloss, I down loaded it last night, looks good!!

Kez, word of warning, if your muscles are sore don't do too much exercise today, I'd hate for you to end up injured like I was because I exercised on sore muscles and that's why it tore. :eek:
My arms are killing me from combat yesterday, wasn't the core or Zumba it was the punching in combat. I'm up for my wii Zumba tonight when the kids are in bed. Even if I don't burn or sweat as much it's exercise for an hour. If it was my ankles i would rest but not for just my arms.
Ouch, ouch, ouch!!! My calfs are killing, I know what did it. It was the stretch where you stand and put your hands on the floor and then walk them forwards and backwards, stretching out the hamstring. I could feel it pulling at the time and I ignored it and stretched further.
Hehe! I haven't left the card at home, but I also havent been to the vending machine or to Tescos! lol :)
cornishkez said:
Ouch, ouch, ouch!!! My calfs are killing, I know what did it. It was the stretch where you stand and put your hands on the floor and then walk them forwards and backwards, stretching out the hamstring. I could feel it pulling at the time and I ignored it and stretched further.

Ice it and elevate it!! I can't recommend the benefits of ice enough, it lasts longer than heat treatment. I feel your pain :(
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Hopefully tomorrow they will loosen up a bit, I'm thinking that Taebo tomorrow might be a bad idea though? Lots of squats and kicks probably isn't a good idea?!

Off in a second to get a hot bath and to rub them, walking is painful. They were fine this morning but have stiffened up during the day, probably due to me being sat on a chair all day with them tucked underneath me.
Just wish I could get those scales moving Shanny. I know what I need to do, but keep letting myself down. I know once I get them started I can keep to it, but until I get it started I just keep having 1 more day. Then the next day I make that the last day, before the restart and seem to be doing it every day!

How are you getting on? Are the post holiday blues kicking in yet?
See how they feel in the morning hun, if they're even remotely tight or sore I'd give it a miss, man it's not like me to say that, but since my injury I'm a lot better at listening to my body.

I'm with you on the scales issue too. Mine must be broken because they are just refusing to budge, looks like I'm on course for another STS this week, and I could try any harder than I am :( grrrr!!!
At least you can moan about it because you know you've been good. I can think of plenty of things that will have hampered the scales. Definately need to start writing EVERYTHING down again and record the kcals etc. Need to make myself accountable!
That's a good idea, it worked for me, even though I was always having shake for for breakie bar for lunch etc. It just helped me focus. It'll probably be more of a help to you because you've got a wider range of food to keep track of!!
Well I jumped on the scales last night and I tipped into the 18's. So enough is enough!

Today is day 1 of 100 days and from today everything that goes in my mouth goes down on paper (well in my app).

My calfs kept me awake all night, can barely walk they are both so tight. That's the second time I've injured myself this year, trying to make my body keep up with my head. The first I pulled all my hip/groin/inner thigh muscles, pushing myself too hard in a riding lesson.

I can't do my class tonight or go to the gym, so will have to be extra good with food. Need to get my backside out of bed so I can go to tesco on the way to work. 1-to buy a new notebook for 100 days and 2-to get some lettuce and chicken for lunch to go with the cottage cheese I bought a week ago and haven't touched.

Will update my signature when I get into work to reflect my increased weight and today is a fresh start! And it's not even a Monday! :)
Best of luck Kez.. Start as u mean too go on chick.

Remember to stock up on water too.
Keep the posts coming in , im on my way to Tesco too for cottage cheese..!!

Whats this 100 day app thingy ?? X
Good luck Kerry you can do it hun!!!

Try gentle stretches for your calves, after a particularly tough physio session a couple of weeks back I was hobbling around with painful calves for a couple of days but once I'd stretched them they were tons better!!

These two are ones from my physio and worked fab for me. It hurt like hell trying to get my heel down to begin with but after a few minutes of slow gentle stretching I got it down, then moved onto the step one.

Obviously the lovely toned person in the orange shorts is me ;) lol (I wish)


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Do you know what I hate more than anything? Is when people assume that because you are fat you don't eat anything healthy!

I left my lunch on my desk and went to the loo, I heard one of the woman commenting on what I had on my plate and then another woman saying 'Well she's got a wedding dress to try to get into, I guess she's having to make herself eat healthy'.

Seriously, WTF! On my plate I have lettuce, cucumber, couscous, cottage cheese and potato salad. Yum yum!

But because I am fat, clearly I have never eaten these items before in my life and would much prefer to be eating a Macdonalds!
FFS people are horrible!!! We had a massive discussion about this very thing in the staffroom yesterday lunch time. It's surprising how people think. What sparked out debate was the imminent return of Tactless Tessie :( it seems she's been picking on everyones food choices, not just my "crazy diet". What Lou said is how come you can't just eat a salad when you want one without people jumping to the conclusion that you're on some kind of diet? Lou is thin and doesn't need to diet but I guess even thin people get accused of dieting lol, at least they do where I work. I'm dreading TTs return lol she's mental!
I can't believe how enormous my calf is! And it's rock solid, keep getting twinges in it, like little muscle spasms.

Going to ice pack it tonight, but I expect its a bit late for all that now.

I clearly haven't torn it as I can walk, though it bloody hurts and I have to walk on my heels basically, with my legs straight and slightly out to the side like a penquin. Driving doesn't hurt at all, stairs aren't much fun either up or down.

Both legs hurt, though the right one is worse, the left just feels like it's aching from a really hard workout. The right leg, just doesnt feel...well, right! lol

Today is day 2 after the incident, so should be the worst. Hopefully tomorrow it'll start easing up.