I got a book about horses, was quite touched that they got me anything. That was from the boss and his wife, though the boss couldnt even be bothered to say goodbye. No thanks very much, kiss my ass!
Stocked up on some lovely candles as well, at a good price. Managed to raid all the seconds and bargain bins!
Need to get my head back in the game. Got my TOTM yesterday and struggling to feel motivated to do anything, let alone get to the gym. It's Scotts birthday today, so we are out for a meal tonight and a few drinks. Then tomorrow I'll crack on, my friend is taking her step daughter out for a walk on the horses, so I'm going to tag alone with Caleb. He hasnt been out all winter, bout time he saw the sights again and a nice long stomp round the woods wont do me much harm either.
I walked the dogs down to the horses with Scott yesterday nad walking back up the stepp lane I usually end up having to stop part way or take my jumper off as I'm boiling. But walked all the way up the lane, with two jumpers on and chatting all the way. So something must be improving...lol!
New job on Monday, an't wait. I'm sorting out my clothes today and having a serious clear out. I have far to many drab, mishapened, faded, worn clothes. I keep everything! But I want to take more care in my appearance, as after all thats what thin people do!