My Countdown - 20 Weeks to go!

Yum yum, I normally have my porridge with golden syrup, do you reckon it'll compare?
Hi Kez -- I really liked the Oriental soup. I mix it up then put it in a deep bowl and eat it with a soup spoon slowly, as I sit with my family at dinner. It is nice to still have that time... and after the week i am usually fine to cook and be around food. (And, I cook stuff that they like that I don't for the most part. Win-Win.)


P.S. I am finding that all the bars have a chemical aftertaste and the malitol in them disagrees with me. I was so disappointed in the Choc Mint bars texture -- it was like eating compessed sawdust. But, others on here rave about them.

My advice would be to get a variety and try them all.

I liked most of the bars, didn't like the chocolate or peanut ones. I liked the tomato soup but it was always 50/50 whether I mucked it up making it. Leek and potato was ok, nice and thick. I never tried the oriental one, I just imagined it would be very watery? Never tried the original porridge, but the apple and cinnamon one was bearable. Lol! I'm not a fan of the shakes at all, but it's the texture more than the tastes, I don't really like milkshakes... Go figure?! Love all the tetras.
Hope your apt with ur CDC goes well!! I struggle with most of the products, the only one I actually enjoy is the chocolate tetras!! I'm sure it's probably not the best to have all tetras but it's the only way I'll get through this diet!!! Xx
@Kimmie -- Loads of people do and have (only tetras), so I am sure it'll work for you.

Kimmo that's what I was doing towards the end last time. Going to try to mix it up a bit more this time though to keep it varied.

I am already 4 days into week 1, only another week and a half and I can have bars! Yay !
I've never tried the bars so when I get to wk 3 I might experiment a bit!! Have put a tetra in the freezer so will see how that goes later!! Oh, how exciting my life is on this diet!! I nearly jumped for joy when my ketosrix arrived this morning!!! X
Hehe, don't let your tetra freeze completely, it makes it go icy and takes about 6 hours to melt enough to eat... Lol! While it's still a bit mushy is ideal!

Just been to weigh in, CDC was much friendlier, or maybe I just wasn't as defensive as before.

10lbs off since the weekend, going back on Monday to finalise my week, but I'm just chuffed to be officially back in the 17's!
Woo hoo go Kerry that's fantastic!! Well done!! You should be so pleased with yourself!
Amazing Loss!!!

Hehe, don't let your tetra freeze completely, it makes it go icy and takes about 6 hours to melt enough to eat... Lol! While it's still a bit mushy is ideal!

Good Advice, thanks!

Just been to weigh in, CDC was much friendlier, or maybe I just wasn't as defensive as before.

I did not care for the first CDC I met -- the second one was much more enthusiastic!

10lbs off since the weekend, going back on Monday to finalise my week, but I'm just chuffed to be officially back in the


:wow:Congrats on the fab loss!!!

Wow, what a weight loss! and even with a sneaky tuna treat in there too!

You must be so chuffed - especially considering your first few posts where you weren't sure you could do it! As you so correctly said to me, where else could you lose such an amount of weight in a week?

:D:D:DWell Done!!!! xoxox:D:D:D
Thanks eek! It's just nice to be in the 17's again. It's comfortable ground!

I just popped in to say hello - I am getting married in July this year too! Nearly 3stone down, another 4stone plus to go - if I can do it, you can do it too! I bought a size 12 dress before I started CD - and am so DETERMINED to get into it, its my dream dress - we are both going to look AMAZING!

Well done Jill, it always helps to know that there are people who have done it, proving it can be done!

Well.....I am currently at my desk eating a maple and pecan porridge, I've got to say it takes just like the apple and cinnamon one. Or maybe I just struggle to get past the sweetener/protein taste. It doesn't help that I made it too watery (must learn to measure and not just guess!).

Still it's nice to have something warm and with some consistancy in my belly. Looking forward more to my tetra this afternoon though! :)

How is everyone getting along? I'm going well, today is the first day that the scales havent moved, but thats ok cause I know my glycogen stores and water retention will have gone and it may be slower now, but anything from here on in will be pure fat!

Not setting myself any mini goals or targets, just aiming to stay in the 17's for next weigh in and to stay on plan!
Boohoo! Just had a phone call about a job I applied for before Christmas. They called to tell me I didnt have enough management account experience, which I already knew and I already knew I hadn't gotten the job. But still it's that feeling of rejection! Cut's like a knife.

Before Christmas I hated my new job (been here 4 months), I would have taken anything to get out of here. But this year so far (fingers crossed) everything seems to be going well, so for the minute I'm not looking....still, like I said it's that feeling of rejection :(
Ah, never mind hun. Sounds like a rubbish company who wouldn't give you a response for a month anyway!

I don't believe in much but I do believe in fate, so it obviously wasn't the job for you.

Plenty of successes to focus on anyway - your CD willpower and the upcoming wedding spring to mind!

Yes, exactly! The money wasn't good, I would be very pushed to find a salary to match what I am on here tbh. Really I am on too much, but I'm not going to complain!

More money for the wedding! Glad it's nearly the weekend tho!
The weekend at last, yay!

It's mine and Scott's 7 year anniversary today. We're both skint, me even more so now I'm back on CD. So I went home past Morrisons and bought some cleaning products and told Scott I'd go through the whole house at the weekend as his present.

The house is disgusting and it has been far, far too long since I did any kind of housework, let alone some decent housework. And for the first time in a long time, I feel an ounce of motivation to actually do that housework! Guess that's the ketosis kicking in?

Jumped on the scales earlier and I am up on yesterday, but I know I didn't drink anywhere enough water today, so must get on top of that