Hi FG, great to hear from you. I love halflingers, Sabi (Sabotini) like I said is an ex racehorse, she's 20 this year and is a complete sweety. She was off to the meat man as well when we took her home. I plod her round the block, but she's got this thing where if you try to stop her she goes up. We've tried everything, but just can't break her from it. I guess it's her racing past and her TB personality. She just freaks out, but I do my best to avoid routes where I know I will have to pull into gates for traffic or stop at too many junctions. As long as we're moving forward she's a complete plod! lol

She responds really well to the parelli, she picks up new things quickly and loves the interaction.
Caleb is my boy, he is soo handsome! Had him since he was weaned, he's half Irish Draught, quarter TB and quarter Shire. And he's a piebald! He's a very handsome man, standing at 16.1hh at the moment.
No idea what his personality is, he seems to change every day. Left brain, right brain, intro, extro! I guess he's growing and doesn't really know himself yet. He's very inquisitive and very playful, but also incredibly stubborn and a complete pushover with other horses. Always bottom of the pack. I've post some pics up!
How do you cope with your animals when you are away so much? Do you have them in livery? How are you finding singledom?! I never, ever wanted a big white wedding, but once you start planning you kind of get dragged into the fantasy of it all!