Hey all!
had a good food day today, stuck to plan!
had my last EVER lesson today, it's wonderful to think that my studying life is nearly over, but it's also quite daunting because it means that I'm gonna have to grow up and get a real job soon!!
I had a break between my lessons, so went window shopping for potential graduation dresses, and just clothes in general, and i've decided on my target! I've decided that for my graduation (in november) I want (and WILL!) be wearing a size 12 dress from miss selfridge. they do have some beautiful clothes there, and want to be able to wear (and afford!) them and feel comfortable in them! I'm a 16 now, and I think that a 14 isn't small enough (for me anyway!) and a 10 is a bit too ambitious! I can't remember the last time I was a size 12, maybe about 6 years ago before I met the OH (yes I blame him.....it is his fault....partly!!)
My friend is really supportive, I told her about my half pound loss last week, not disappointed, but not joyful about it, and she said "wow well done!" she's said aswell that she can see it, which is really nice to hear (even if she's only saying it to be polite!! lol)
So. I have 8 months to drop 2 dress sizes and lose about 3.5 stone(ish). Ofcourse I realise that as well as slimming world, I need to exercise! Hopefully once I find a job, i'll be able to join a gym! but until then i've registered to volunteer at the dog's home and walk dogs (not really intense exercise, but it's a start isn't it!) i'm starting in 2 weeks i think, so my plan is to go for an hour/hour and a half long walk every morning!
I really hope I reach my goal. If i'm still a size 16 (or even a 14) by november, i'll be so disappointed! It's kinda hard to imagine me reaching this target because i've been doing SW for so long now (on and off though) and I haven't really gotten very far! so fingers crossed :fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed: